
2010-01-27 2:07 am
Children left looking for love

Growing numbers of children are being left without a stable home life because of a lack of foster parents.Last year, 935 children were placed with foster families but Social Welfare Department officials say a significant number of youngsters remain in care.

Of the 2009 total, 13.5 percent were taken from their natural families because of child abuse.

Jimmy Ng Tze-ming, officer-in-charge of the Central Foster Care Unit, says there is rising demand, but he can neither explain why nor give figures for the number of children missing out.

Foster parents need to be at least 25 years old and able to provide a stable and safe environment.

One parent should be a full-time carer and be ready to accept investigation and guidance by social workers.

Under ordinary foster care, parents are eligible for at least six months, while emergency foster care allows not more than six weeks. Foster parents receive a subsidy of HK$4,513 a month for ordinary care and HK$6,021 per month for each emergency foster child.


回答 (1)

2010-01-27 2:22 am
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孩子越來越被一個缺乏寄養家長.去年的離開不穩定的家庭生活,935 孩子們投入,社會福利署官員說,為數不少的青少年留在照顧寄養家庭。

總 2009,自然的家人因虐待兒童的拍攝 13.5%。


養父母必須至少 25 年歲,能夠提供一個穩定和安全的環境。


根據一般的寄養服務,父母才最少六個月合資格的而緊急寄養服務允許不超過六個星期。寄養父母為每個緊急寄養兒童獲得每月一般護理及港幣 $ 6,021 每月港幣 $ 4,513 的資助。

2010-01-26 18:23:36 補充:
參考: me

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