
2010-01-25 11:10 am
英文難題 至少我覺得難

英文有d verb past tense 唔加ed

唔駛變 例如 read

又或者中間變 例如 come





我知呢啲字唔多 但係我想知典故 點解咁多verb 要加ed 而果啲又唔駛加呢 佢地到底發生過乜野事可以咁另類 可以咁不規則呢 如果有書講呢樣野 請 俾做書名我 好嗎 感激不盡!!

回答 (2)

2010-01-30 1:33 am
✔ 最佳答案
英文有d verb past tense 唔加ed,點解咁多verb 要加ed ,而果啲又唔駛加呢?乜野事可以咁另類 可以咁不規則呢?
大部份不規則Irregular verbs,都是屬於古老Old English,最常用的irregular verbs都是Old English, 如run-ran, go-went, take-took, come-came, give-gave, get-got, say-said, write-wrote等。
大多數規則regular verbs的來源則是借用外文的。用nouns原字做verbs的,和新用的verbs也全是regular的。差不多所有最不常用的字也是regular的。

到底發生過乜野事可以咁另類 可以咁不規則呢?
其實現在不規則irregular的verbs,在以前Old English時代是規則的,衹不過英文曾經改革或簡化,例如verb加ed為past tense是新的劃一簡化規則,取代了Old English verbs幾種轉past tense的舊規則而已。不過最常用的verbs較難改,至今仍沿用舊規則,反而被稱irregular不規則了。
以下wikipedia資料,也提到各類irregular verbs的來歷。

Irregular verbs
Most English irregular verbs are native, originating in Old English
(an exception being 'catch' from Old North French 'cachier'.) They also
tend to be the most commonly used verbs.
All loanwords from foreign languages are regular, as are verbs that
have been recently coined and all nouns used as verbs use standard
suffixes. Almost all of the least commonly used words are also regular,
even though some of them may have been irregular in the past.

Most irregular verbs exist as remnants of historical conjugation
systems. What is today an exception actually followed a set, normal
rule long ago. When that rule fell into disuse, some verbs kept the old
conjugation. An example of this is the word kept, which before the Great Vowel Shift fell into a class of words where the vowel in keep (then pronounced kehp) was shortened in the past tense. Similar words, such as peep, that arose after the Vowel Shift, use the regular -ed suffix. Groups of irregular verbs include:

2010-01-29 17:35:31 補充:
* The remaining strong verbs, which display the vowel shift called ablaut and sometimes have a past participle in -en or -n: e.g., ride/rode/ridden.
* Weak verbs that have been subjected to sound changes over time that have rendered them irregular. e.g., hear/heard/heard.

2010-01-29 17:37:50 補充:
* Weak verbs that show the vowel shift e.g. think/thought.
* Weak verbs that end in a final -t or -d that made the addition of the weak suffix -ed seem redundant; e.g., cost/cost/cost.

2010-01-29 17:38:13 補充:
* A handful of verbs can be distinguished from the rest because their third person simple present singular (the he, she, or it form) does not take a final -s. All the verbs of this class are modal verbs, e.g., can/could/could.

2010-01-29 17:38:35 補充:
* Verbs that form one or more of their tenses from an entirely different root. Be is one of these, as is go/went/gone

Other verbs have been changed due to ease of pronunciation so that it is shorter or more closely corresponds to how it is spelt.

2010-01-29 17:40:47 補充:
* A number of verbs whose irregularity is chiefly due to the peculiarities of English spelling; e.g., lay/laid/laid.
* Past tense ending -ed written phonetically when devoiced to -t; e.g., burn/burnt/burnt (which also has a regular conjugation with a [d] pronunciation).

2010-01-29 17:41:41 補充:
* Weak verbs that have been the subject of contractions; e.g., have/had/had.

There are fewer strong verbs and irregular verbs in modern English than there were in Old English. Slowly over time, the number of irregular verbs is decreasing.

2010-01-29 17:42:01 補充:
This fact explains the reason that irregular verbs tend to be the most commonly used ones; verbs that are more rarely heard are more likely to switch to being regular. For instance, a verb like ablate was once irregular, but today ablated is the standard usage.

2010-01-29 17:42:19 補充:
Today irregular and standard forms often coexist, a sign that the irregular form may be on the wane. For instance, seeing spelled instead of spelt or strived instead of strove is very common.

2010-01-29 17:42:55 補充:
On the other hand, contraction and sound changes can increase their number. Most of the strong verbs were regular, in that they fell into a conventional plan of conjugation, in Old English; there are so few of them left in contemporary English that they seem irregular to us.
2010-01-25 1:54 pm
其實不需要加ed的英文不多, 只要recognize 是哪一個就可以了~
read -> read (past tense is pronounced as red)

come -> came

do -> done

go -> gone


-可能 everyday action 的會比較因字而異吧?

protect -> protected

pick -> picked

*just my opinion
參考: self

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