Do you think that we should help America first before sending out aid to other countries? Is this not logical?

2010-01-24 9:54 pm

回答 (9)

2010-01-24 9:59 pm
Not necessarily, there hasn't been any recent instance of hundreds of thousands of Americans dying and millions injured. We are all humans and should help those in especially tragic circumstances.
2010-01-24 9:59 pm
You can.

Go volunteer in your community. Go give a donation to a local charity that helps others. Buy a few extra things and donate them to your local food pantry.

You have the ability to help your neighbors in need. The question is, why don't more people do it?
2010-01-24 9:58 pm
Foreign aid is different than relief aid. In the case of Haiti I think we should send relief without regard for domestic concerns. If we have a foreign policy objective foreign aid is also appropriate. I don't see see foreign aid and assistance to poor people in this country as an either or proposition.
2010-01-24 10:00 pm
No. It's actually expressively *illogical* to presume that geographic proximity is a valid criterion when deciding how to disperse aid.
2010-01-24 10:06 pm
Please check out these myths about foreign aid from the U.S. to other countries:
2010-01-24 10:03 pm
No, because in general Americans have more opportunities than any country in the world, if we'd get off our couches and look for them. For example, I was in a thrift store, and there was a flyer there offering a $1000 scholarship to single moms; that could have paid for books and a couple of classes. There's a scholarship for Type 1 diabetics who play tennis. There's a scholarship in Georgia for liver transplant recipients who plan to become accountants. These are all legitimate scholarships that I've researched. There's a thrift store in my town that gives free clothing to those in need. There's at least 2 soup kitchens in my town that are kept up by churches. (If you notice, all these are based on private giving; it does not even include what the US government does).

I believe in helping locally, nationally, and internationally.
2010-01-24 9:59 pm
Depends on the other countries. Like Haiti, I think it was good that people went to help. If a country is in more trouble than we are, I think it is our job to help them. It's what good people do.
2010-01-24 9:57 pm
That would be logical but not the way the game is played.
2010-01-24 9:58 pm
Yes. I think we need to end all aid to all foreign countries, including Israel.

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