Can anyone tell me of A Miracle that has happened in your lifetime?

2010-01-24 1:27 pm

Thank You.

回答 (4)

2010-01-24 2:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Wow I think there was a lot of miracles...

God's presence intervene to me on a job site during a meeting, It was the moment I felt compassion in my heart for my boss, and I fest to the truth no matter the cost. God's presence floated above me to my left, I also felt a feeling in and all around me of warmness and happy. I knew just who it was, and He spoke to me telepathic, God's voice in my head said clearly, "I am happy with you."
2010-01-24 1:38 pm
Bob Dylan
2010-01-24 1:36 pm
i passed my french
seriously speakin i dunno of any miracle dat has happened!!!!
2010-01-24 1:31 pm
One time, Morgaine5 posted something that wasn't a violation of the Yahoo Answers Community Guidelines.

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