Why cos(180+x)= cos(180-x)?

2010-01-25 5:00 am
For example.
when x=30,
cos(180+30)= -0.866025...
cos(180-30)= -0.866025...
cos(180+x)= cos(180-x)

Why cos(180+x)= cos(180-x)?

x could be any integer.

回答 (2)

2010-01-25 8:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
cos(180+x)= cos(180-x)
= cos180cosx-sin180sinx
RHS= cos(180-x)

therefore cos(180+x)= cos(180-x)

2010-01-25 00:13:57 補充:
cos(180+x)= cos(180-x)
Using the fact cos(360-A) = cosA
= cos[360-(180+x)]
= cos(180-x)

2010-01-25 00:14:24 補充:
another method
2010-01-25 5:11 am
Why cos(180+x)= cos(180-x)?
Since cos(180+x) = -cosx [Since 270deg>x>180deg, in qraduant IV]
cos(180-x) = -cosx [Since 180deg >x>90deg , in the quadrant III]
Hence they are equal to each other.

2010-01-24 21:23:32 補充:
我唔太remember 到果個係quadrant幾
但要知道 270deg>x>180deg 時 tan/cot會係正,,,其他負
而 180deg>x>90deg時sin/csc會係正,其他負
因此conclude到兩個quadrant時個value會一樣[suppose x is the same]

2010-01-25 19:32:44 補充:
參考: Hope can help you^^”

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