Postgraduate Diploma

2010-01-25 3:33 am
我想問坊間對於Postgraduate Diploma的應授性是什麼,是不是高過degree,同時入面的course有沒有機會credit transfer到去Master的course.

而且應該修讀多二個相近的Postgraduate Diploma(enviromental, bse (air-conditioning))定是一個master(building services)好呢?

回答 (3)

2010-01-25 3:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
Post-graduate Diploma on its own carries little weight in the academic circle. Some people have a negative view on post-grad diploma, seeing it a failed Master's degree.

Usually a Master's Degree student who had completed all taught modules but failed to complete the dissertation (or thesis) is awarded a post-graduate diploma. Some post-graduate level courses not up to Master's level lead to a post-graduate diploma/certificate award.

Normally a post-graduate diploma from a reputable university will be given credit transfer in the Master's degree curriculum. In any case, a Bachelar's degree + a post-grad Diploma is better than a Bachelar's degree alone.

It is advisable to pursue a Master's Degree instead of two post-graduate diplomas of similar content.
2010-01-25 7:21 pm

其實坊間對Post gr aduate Diploma既認受性係低於master, 不過依個只係大眾general o既睇法.
post dip同taught master好難講邊個好d, 大家都係bachelor畢業之後o既課程, 好難話邊個程度高. 好似hku有psycho o既post dip課程, 都係一個好專業o既post gr ad課程.
但如果一般課程一般搵工, 就的確係master認受性高d.
Master course一般都無credit transfer.
2010-01-25 7:27 am
通常係master唔夠分畢業先俾個postgrad dip你,好少好有course係postgrad dip。

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