Smell and odor

2010-01-25 3:09 am
What id the difference between smell (n.) and odor (n.)?

回答 (3)

2010-01-26 7:31 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Usually "smell" can take on a positive or negative adjective, such as "good, nice, pleasant, fresh, bad, awful, foul, offensive, rotten etc." . "Odor", however, tends to take on negative adjectives, for example, we would usually say "bad odor", "unpleasant ordor", and not "good odor" or "nice odor' .

In general, when it comes to a quality perceived by the olfactory sense, "smell" is more neutual, odor tends to be more negative, and "aroma" is usually more positive.
參考: myself
2010-02-03 1:48 am
(1) smell= odor [使用嗅覺的氣味(香氣;臭氣)]
The (smell / odor) of garlic
The (smell / odor) of pepper
The (smell / odor) of fresh paint

(2) odor [氣味(不用嗅覺)] (cannot replaced by "smell")
The Odor of Evil
The Odor of death
The Odor of primitivism
2010-01-25 8:26 pm


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