
2010-01-25 1:30 am
我想問下以下這本書是什麼程度的會計??如果是lcci程度,究竟是lcci level幾?如果不是又是什麼程度?書名叫iNTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING (Geoff Black)
The background to accounting 1
1.1 Introduction
1.2 What is accounting?
1.3 Who needs accounting?
1.4 Financial accounting and management accounting
1.5 Fundamental accounting concepts
1.6 Assets,liabilities and capital
1.7 The accounting equation
1.8 Glossary,Self-cheak questions,Self-study question,Case study:marvin makes a career choice, Refernces
Recording financial transactions 2
2.1 Introduction
2.2 The principles of double-entry bookkeeping
2.3 The double-entry bookkeeping system
2.4 Balancing accounts
2.5 A simple trial balance
2.6 Books of prime entry
2.7Computerised accounts
2.8Glossary,Self-cheak questions,Self-study question,Case study:marvin makes a career choice, Refernces
Apllying controls and concepts to financial information 3
3.1 Introduction
3.2Cash flow statements and beyond
3.3 bank reconciliation statements
3.4control accounts
3.5accounting adjustments
3.6the financial summaries
3.7Glossary,Self-cheak questions,Self-study question,Case study:marvin makes a career choice, Refernces
The profit and loss account and balance sheet 4
4.1 Introduction
4.2 What is "profit"?
4.3 The format of the profit and loss account
4.4The balance sheet
4.5 Alternative formats:'horizontal' layout
4.6Published profit and loss accounts and balance sheet
4.7Odds and ends
4.8From the trial balance to the profit and loss account and balance sheet
4.9Glossary,Self-cheak questions,Self-study question,Case study:marvin makes a career choice, Refernces
A further look at assets and liabilities 5
5.1 Introduction
5.2Sales of fixed assets
5.3stock valuation
5.4 bad and doubtful debts
5.5 current and long-term liabilities
5.6Glossary,Self-cheak questions,Self-study question,Case study:marvin makes a career choice, Refernces
Revision question
Revision chapter(1) 6
6.2 REvision question
6.3Answer to revision question
6.4extended trial balances

Accounting and funding of multi-owner organisations 7 7.1Introduction 7.2Sole trader 7.3Partnerships 7.4Limited companies 7.5Published accounts 7.6Groups of comanies 7.7Glossary,Self-cheak questions,Self-study question,Case study:marvin makes a career choice, Refernces Revision question


INCOMLETE records and club accounts 8 8.1Introduction 8.2 What are "incomplete record" 3 statement of affairs 4 use of control accounts to deduce information 5club accounts 6Glossary,Self-cheak questions,Self-study question,Case study:marvin makes a career choice, Refernces Revision question


cash flow:past and future 9 9.1 Introduction 2cash versus profit 3 the cash flow statement 4 cash flow forecasts 5 cash flow forecasts and business planning 6Glossary,Self-cheak questions,Self-study question,Case study:marvin makes a career choice, Refernces Revision question


Making sense of financial statements 10 10.1Introduction 2Data for analysis 3The first stage:preliminary research 4 The second stage:horizontal and vertical analysis 5 The thrid stage:ratio analysis 6The validity of the financial statements 7Glossary


11.1Introduction 2The nature of costs 3 absorption costing 4 marginal costing 5 absorption and marginal costing compared 6break-even analysis 7Glossary,Self-cheak questions,Self-study question,Case study:marvin makes a career choice, Refernces Revision question



回答 (1)

2010-01-25 4:49 pm
✔ 最佳答案
雖然你本書都有cover LCCI 1, 2, 3大部分Topic, 但又唔係cover晒所有level的topics. 例如level 1要學cash book及journal. Level 2要學manufacturing account. Level 3要學budgeting及decision making, 但睇你本書個content又唔見有.
另外, 我唔知你書入面financial statements格式及裡面所學會唔會同LCCI要求一樣, 所以我建議你借一本適用於考LCCI的書再比較一下.

2010-01-26 07:37:56 補充:
Frank Wood出版過Business accounting vol.1 & 2, 兩本夠你cover 3個level的LCCI考試. 另外有How to pass accounting/book-keeping/book-keeping and accounts, LCCI官方考試書, 但起新Syl.(即2008年前)出. 所以你要識揀住溫. 香港公共圖書館有得借, 你自己上公共圖書館個網睇下邊幾間有.

2010-01-26 07:46:33 補充:
上面提及個幾本夠你讀去考LCCI Level 1-3. 但你個本, 因為我無睇過你本書, 所以唔敢講讀完可唔可以去考.

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