
2010-01-24 11:01 pm
While I was sitting down, he ___________________(stand) up.

這句子亞仔填 (stood), 老師話佢錯, 應該填(was standing), 點解, 因為我看見書上的例句是填(stood) 這個字, 有無人可以話比我哋知錯係邊, 謝謝!

回答 (7)

2010-01-25 2:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)when 和while 的分別?

We usually use while to say that two longer actions or situations go/went of at the same time.
e.g.While you were reading the paper, I was working.

We prefer when to refer to ages and periods of life.
e.g. When I was a child, we lived in London.

(2)如何使用when 和while?

(a)two acting, two continual one (two progressive forms)
e.g. While you are reading the newspaper, I am painting.

(b) background situation
When/While I was walking down the street, I saw Peter drive a Volvo passing by.

(c)a period time (usually progressive form)using while/when
While I was having dinner, Mom was watching TV.

simple tense while/when either can be used, yet if what we talk about
is about the age or kinda life step, usually using 'when'
I had lunch in the restaurant while/when she studied in the library.
Mary's mother died when she was 12.
Mary married a cute guy when she was in London.
參考: :):)
2010-01-25 12:05 am
was standing

的士死火後, 應不應 用打火機來放氣 !!?
2010-01-24 11:53 pm

但也示乎佢有冇比中文解釋你~ 因為用 "stood" 和 "standing up" 的解釋係唔同。。。

While I was sitting down, he stood up. 解:當我坐著的時侯,他就站了起來。 (示意: 你坐下之後,他才站起來。。。 在這種情況下 - 是有些少不禮貌,可能那個人很不喜歡你或有突發事件他才會站起來。)

While I was sitting down, he was standing up. 解:當我坐著的時侯,他是站著的。 (示意: 是同時發生的事件 - 也不是因為你坐下來,他才站著。)
2010-01-24 11:50 pm
兩個clause都要用present continus tense
2010-01-24 11:19 pm
其實你呀仔填ge答案個意思係岩ge..但係因為如果用while的話,要兩個動詞都變成 past continuous tense,如果係一個past continuous tense,一個past的話,就唔可以用 while,要轉用when.所以你呀仔個老師係岩ge,係應該填was standing,因為兩個動作係同時進行!!緊!!.
參考: 自己
2010-01-24 11:07 pm
因為 (while) 一定兩個clause都要用present continus tense
2010-01-24 11:06 pm
It is because it uses while,while means both are for long time.If the time is long, we should use past continous tense.because stand can be a very long time.
參考: @﹏@

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