proofread my passage please

2010-01-24 8:04 pm
it's for my presentation tommorrow
thank you for proofread my mistakes.

Good morning everyone! I've just read an article called 'Public consultation gets rerailed', which is posted on youngpost last thursday, and it is about the issue of Hong Kong Rail Link.
The writer starts with the fact that all members of a mordern society have the right to speak out on social issues and fight for their interests, it is good to see different views being expressed.
Then, the writer next mention that mutual respect and understanding are also vital in find a compromise. The government should have expected the issue of Hong Kong Rail Link would driveshot debate, so the government should have produced leaflets summarising the fact and posted these in places like railway stations.
The write goes on saying that the government should have also provided more opportunities for the public to speak out before the Express Rail Link was given to go-ahead.
The writer concludes that the Express Rail Link is only one of many similar controversial issues. To cope with these challenages more successfully in furture, the government needs to adopt a more imaginative approach.
In my views, since the government was not choose by the people of Hong Kong, its standing is weaker than it could be. Therefore, there is a need for more communication between the government and citizen before introducing a new policy. After all, harmony in society builds on both public support and effective policy.

回答 (1)

2010-01-24 8:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Good morning everyone! I've just read an article entitled "Public consultation gets rerailed", which is posted on youngpost last thursday, and it talks about the issue of Hong Kong Rail Link.
The writer starts with the fact that all members of a modern society have the right to speak out on social issues and fight for their interests, it is good to see different views being expressed.
Then, the writer (delete next) mentions that mutual respect and understanding are also vital in reaching a compromise. The government should have expected the issue of Hong Kong Rail Link would driveshot debate, so the government should have produced leaflets summarising the fact and posted them in public areas such as railway stations.
The write goes on saying that the government should also have provided more opportunities for the public to speak out before the Express Rail Link was given green light to go-ahead.
The writer concludes that the Express Rail Link is just one of the many controversial issues that is similar to others . To cope with these challenages and be more successful in the furture, the government needs to adopt a more imaginative approach.
In my views, since the government was not elected by themajority of Hong Kong people , its standing is not as strong as it could be. Therefore, there is a need for more communication between the government and the public before implementing a new policy. After all, harmony in society derives from both public support and effective policy.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:04:10
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