
2010-01-24 7:20 pm

回答 (2)

2010-01-25 7:25 am
✔ 最佳答案

a>飲凍水或暖水, 不宜飲冰水 or 熱水
b>每日早晚, 用稀釋鹽水漱口, 每次含5分鐘
c>以後要小心, 不要再燙傷舌頭, 以免將來會影響味覺
d>如果燙損傷左, 可塗些Bonjela, 舒緩不適

舌頭斷了, 不一定會死
(你唔好信那些古裝片, 咬斷舌而死)
如果死 ... 都是因為舌頭有很多微血管, 會流血不止而死

2010-01-30 3:21 am

helps in relieving pain.
You should avoid brushing your teeth with toothpaste. Use baking soda instead to brush your teeth.
Avoid hot and spicy foods until your tongue recovers, as it will deteriorate the condition and cause irritation.
Increase the intake of foods that are rich in iron. Iron rich foods serve to heal the burnt skin faster.
Consume papaya it is a very beneficial in healing the burns. Papaya contains enzymes that help rejuvenate the burnt skin, by replacing dead cells with new ones.
The use of Aloe Vera is considered highly effective in the treatment of burns. Apply aloe Vera gel on the affected area. Repeat this three or four time in a day.
Lavender oil is helpful in the treatment of burns. Put a few drops of essential lavender oil on a cotton ball and dab it on the affected area. It is helpful in removing scars left behind by skin burns.

2010-01-29 19:22:18 補充:
ps: go to hospital for consulation asap if serious

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