
2010-01-23 7:51 pm
1) Any question, please feel free to let me know.

問題: 在any question前沒有任何東西,這樣是否正確?為什麼?

2) Should you have any question, please feel free to contact me anytime.

"Should you have any question" 這句的grammar有沒有錯?為什麼?

1)可否再解釋多d為何any question前沒有任何東西但都是correct. 2)點解是用should you have, 而不是用you should have 既?

回答 (3)

2010-01-23 10:28 pm
✔ 最佳答案
呢個情況下通常 Should you have any questions 個 question 都會有 s 。至於你問 grammar 問題,其實都要睇返當時係咩場合同埋同咩人講,你要好 formal 好有禮貌咁講定係同同輩朋友講囉。好明顯句子越長應該越有禮貌,同埋口講通常簡短 D ,如果係寫出黎應該成句寫晒出黎好 D。

至於第二條你問點解係 Should you have 而唔係用 you should have,好簡單,因為你依家係假設句,Should you have any questions 個 should 字o係呢度係 in case o既意思,你假設人地有問題問,但係人地唔一定真係有問題要問架嘛,你講 you should have 咪變左肯定句囉,肯定人地有問題,咁意思咪唔 make sense 囉。
2010-01-23 8:37 pm
1) Any question, please feel free to let me know.

問題: 在any question前沒有任何東西,這樣是否正確?為什麼?

Please fell free to let me know if there is ( you have) any question. Anytime is already understood.

2) Should you have any question, please feel free to contact me anytime

This is coreect but emphasis if you have any question. Grammar is correct. Should has the similar meaning of if in this sentence./
2010-01-23 8:00 pm
no ar

they are inversion

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