
2010-01-23 5:05 am
1)personally, i prefer to give a white paper to Scrooge because his life has already changed!Let's look back to the story!Scrooge was a miserable and mean man,but after he saw his future life,he felt regretful and he promised he'll be kind.
Every man has his faults.但是他最終都知錯,知道自己的過失,現在,他的生命有如一張白紙,重頭開始,雪白無瑕,以前的過錯就將它擦掉。

2)Marley's chain is bind him tightly.If you give him a key,you can relieve his painful.As the saying goes.'Helping others is the basis of happiness.'你不但能夠幫助他脫離痛苦,亦能令自己得到無限的快樂,何樂而不為?




回答 (3)

2010-01-23 12:52 pm
✔ 最佳答案
In my personal opinion, i prefer to give a white paper to Scrooge because his life had already changed!Let's look back to the story!Scrooge was a miserable and mean man, but he felt regretful after he saw his future life. So he promised to be a kind person. Every individual has their own faults, but he realized he was at wrong finally. Understanding his mistakes, his life was like a blank paper and start from scratch again. Then the previous mistakes can be erased.

2)Marley's chain bind him tightly. If you give him a key, you can relieve his As the saying goes, helping others is the basis of happiness. You are not only help him to get away from the pain, but you can gain unlimited amounts of happiness. So why not do it for him?

3)I think the precious memories is not relying on the photos to cherish, you have to you’re your heart to cherish the wonderful memories.

4) I think their relationship is a real miracle which can go over the boundaries of life and death.
2010-01-24 3:54 am


2010-01-23 5:16 am
Personally, i prefer to give a white paper to Scrooge because his life has already changed!Let's look back to the story! Scrooge was a miserable and mean man, but after he saw his future life, he felt regretful and he promised heap; #039; ll be kind.
grammer用work 就得!!

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