
2010-01-23 2:18 am
香港運輸署簽發的國際駕駛許可證是否不容許持證人在德國駕駛? 我剛剛看過運輸署的TD51表格, 裡面有列明1949簽訂日內瓦公約的國家, 可是裡面沒有德國... 這樣的話, 有什麼辦法可以拿到可以在德國駕駛之牌照?

回答 (2)

2010-01-23 9:26 pm
✔ 最佳答案
答:可以。事實上,根據德國的官方資料,持有香港正式駕照可以直接德國使用6個月,而且所能駕駛的車輛種類及限制與香港駕照上所列出的一致。故此,不用花錢到 運輸署 申請 國際駕駛執照 了。

答:事實上,1949年09月19日在日內瓦簽訂<道路交通公約>的國家及地區名單中,是沒有 德國 的。但是德國在1968年11月08日就正式簽署了 道路交通公約,因此,它們是承認 國際駕駛執照。
另外,對於持有不是屬於 歐盟(EU)、歐洲經濟區(EEA)或指定*** 國家或地區的駕照,就需要將外國駕照配合 國際駕照 或 被承認的翻譯(例如德國的 ADAC 或 AVD發出)一起使用。

答:可以是可以,但是香港正式駕駛執照可以在德國直接使用,不用花錢多辦理 國際駕駛許可證 了。
Validity of foreign driving licences in Germany
Below you will find the most important rules pertaining to holders of a foreign driving licence in Germany. For further information on how to register and obtain a German driving licence, please contact your local driver licensing authority. The Federal Ministry is not in a position to give advice on individual cases.
1.Your driving licence is valid for a temporary stay in the Federal Republic of Germany
If you possess a valid national or international driving licence you may drive vehicles of those categories for which your licence was issued. Any conditions and restrictions placed on your driving licence also apply when driving in Germany.
Your driving licence is valid even if you have not yet reached the German minimum age for the category concerned. Be sure to have your licence on you when driving.
For international driving licences no translation is required.
You will need a translation to accompany your national driving licence if
your national licence was not issued by a member state of the EU or a member of the EEA (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) or
your licence is in a language other than German or
your licence does not comply with the Convention on Road Traffic of 8 November 1968 (Annex 6). Contact the relevant authorities in the country of issue to find out whether this is the case.

2010-01-23 13:28:04 補充:
German language translations can be provided, among others, by German automobile clubs or internationally recognised automobile clubs of the country of issue, by official bodies of the country of issue, sworn interpreters and translators as well as by German diplomatic missions.

2010-01-23 13:28:09 補充:
Holders of licences from the following countries do not need to provide a translation:
Hong Kong,
New Zealand,
San Marino,
Switzerland and

2010-01-23 13:30:45 補充:

另外,對於持有不是屬於 歐盟(EU)、歐洲經濟區(EEA)、日內瓦道路交通公約成員、駕照上沒有德語資訊或指定*** 國家或地區的駕照,就需要將外國駕照配合 國際駕照 或 被承認的翻譯(例如德國的 ADAC 或 AVD發出)一起使用。


2010-01-23 13:31:31 補充:
3.Your driving licence was not issued by one of the member states of the EU or a member of the EEA and you are or will be a resident of the Federal Republic of Germany

2010-01-23 13:31:35 補充:
If you obtained your licence in a country that is neither a member of the EU nor of the EEA, your licence will remain valid for six months following your move to Germany. After this time it will no longer be valid. To continue to drive on German roads, you will need a licence issued in Germany.

2010-01-23 13:32:14 補充:
The conditions for obtaining a German licence vary depending on the country where your original licence was issued. For information on these conditions and on how to obtain a German licence, please contact your local driver licensing authority in due time before your licence expires.

2010-01-23 13:32:34 補充:
In some cases you can apply for an extension of six months, provided you can prove that you will not be staying in Germany for more than 12 months.

2010-01-23 13:32:39 補充:
If you drive on German roads with a foreign licence that is not or no longer valid in Germany, you will be deemed to have committed the offence of driving without a licence.

2010-01-23 13:33:04 補充:
If any of the following is the case, you may not drive with your foreign licence in Germany and may not exchange it for a German one:
If your licence is no longer valid.
If it is a learner licence or other provisional licence.

2010-01-23 13:33:38 補充:
If you had your normal residence in Germany at the time you obtained the foreign licence, unless your licence was issued in a EU member state. Licences issued by another EU member state in breach of regulations (e.g. not observing the place of residence rule) can in principle be used for driving in

2010-01-23 13:34:09 補充:
Germany. However, they can be withdrawn by the country of issue at any time.

2010-01-23 13:34:24 補充:
If your licence has been withdrawn while in Germany or if you have not been granted a licence you applied for or if the only reason it has not been revoked was that you have surrendered it

2010-01-23 13:34:28 補充:
voluntarily. (Specific rules may apply in the case of licences issued by other EU member states. Please contact your local driver licensing authority for further information.)

2010-01-23 13:34:51 補充:
If you are subject to a driving ban imposed by Germany, the country of issue or the country of your normal residence or if your licence was confiscated, impounded or placed in safekeeping.

2010-01-23 13:35:09 補充:
If your foreign licence was withdrawn in Germany, you can apply for the right to use it again, which will be granted once the reasons for the withdrawal have ceased to exist.

2010-01-23 13:35:34 補充:
Normal residence
'Normal' residence means the place where a person usually lives, that is for at least 185 days in each calendar year, because of personal and occupational ties, or, in the case of a person with no occupational ties,

2010-01-23 13:35:38 補充:
because of personal ties which show close links between that person and the place where he or she lives.
參考: 德國交通部+日內瓦道路交通公約+我是一個擁有中 港 澳 台駕照的人士+經驗談
2010-01-23 8:48 am
絕對正確,1949簽訂日內瓦公約的國家, 是沒有德國。


2010-01-26 11:29:21 補充:
國際駕照表明的是你具備在它國駕駛的能力證明,而你的國內駕駛執照是國際駕照的基礎,因而在領取國際駕照時無需重新考試。國際駕照上有 9 種不同語言,其中五種是聯合國官方語言(英語、法語、西班牙語、俄語和中文)。

2010-01-26 11:29:41 補充:
國際駕駛檔可用以幫助駕駛人在外國旅行時,解決在使用本國駕照中與員警等人之間的語言障隘。 當您在 200 多個成員國內租車、駕車時,員警決不會找您的麻煩。

2010-01-26 11:30:14 補充:

2010-01-26 11:30:36 補充:

2010-01-26 11:30:56 補充:
在本國已擁有駕駛證,又需要經常出國到海外各國的商務旅行者或長期在海外居住的移民及留學者。另外,根據英美等國移民當局的法律,持短期非移民簽證者, 不再可能獲得當地正式駕照,因此,申請好一本國際駕照,也能方便旅行。

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