cloze passage

2010-01-23 2:17 am
Voting is compulsory for all citizens of Singapore. When a Singaporean r_____
twenty-one years of age, he is r______ by law to vote whenever there are
elections to c______ a new government. When a person is voting, he m_______
vote in an enclosed area h_______ his vote is secret. He is not a_______ to tell
other people whom he has voted f_________.
Elections in Singapore are usually h______ once every four years. The p______
government will step down and they will compete a________ new people who
wish to e_______ the government.
For the p______ twenty-nine years, the People's Action party(PAP) has w____
every election and governed Singapore. During each election period c______ is
always very intense. Politicians can usually be seen in the v_______ housing
estates speaking from a stage. They also g______ out pamphlets, telling the
voters how they will m______ Singapore a better place. It is i______ that when a
person votes, he must make s______ that the politician is an honest person. If
the person makes a mistake and votes fot the w______ person, his future
livelihood will be affected. Hence one must always thibk carefully before voting.

回答 (1)

2010-01-23 4:48 am
✔ 最佳答案
Voting is compulsory for all citizens of Singapore. When a Singaporean reaches twenty-one years of age, he is required by law to vote whenever there are elections to constitute a new government. When a person is voting, he must vote in an enclosed area hence his vote is secret. He is not allowed to tell other people whom he has voted for.

Elections in Singapore are usually held once every four years. The present government will step down and they will compete as new people who wish to elect the government. For the past twenty-nine years, the People’s Action party (PAP) has won every election and governed Singapore. During each election period competition is always very intense. Politicians can usually be seen in the voters’ housing estates speaking from a stage. They also give out pamphlets, telling the
voters how they will make Singapore a better place. It is important that when a person votes, he must make sure that the politician is an honest person. If the person makes a mistake and votes for the wrong person, his future livelihood will be affected. Hence one must always think carefully before voting.

收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:06:06
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