He was tired out ??

2010-01-22 10:05 pm
Put it down in front of ____( 要放什麼word? 應怎解才對? )
This picture can not have been painted by Rembrandt himself. ( 這picture 不是Rembrandt 自己油的. 解得對嗎? )
He was tired out but he forced himself to go on. ( 他很累但還有力量去..( was tired out 是被動詞還是一般形容詞)

回答 (6)

2010-01-23 12:12 am
✔ 最佳答案

“Put it down in front of __yourself__ .”(把它放在你自己的前面 )

This picture can not have been painted by Rembrandt himself. ( 這圖畫不可能是Rembrandt 他自己繪畫的. )

He was tired out but he forced himself to go on. ( 他很累但還勉強自己繼續下去) ..( was[verb] tired[adj.] out[preposition])

2010-01-23 09:29:32 補充:
sorry i made a misstake, it should be;

“Put it down in front of __you__ .”(把它放在你的前面 )

2010-01-23 17:03:14 補充:
However, it is also true to say

“Put it down in front of yourself.”(把它放在你自己的前面 )

because the word "You" is understood, that is

"You put it down in front of yourself.”

2010-01-23 17:05:05 補充:
But, we cannot use "yourself" in this sentence;

"Who put it in front of you?" (cannot use "yourself")

because the answer may be;

"He put it in front of you."(cannot use "yourself")
"They put it in front of you."(cannot use "yourself")

2010-01-23 17:05:21 補充:
Am I clear?

you can refer the following:

參考: :):), :):)
2010-01-23 5:08 pm
“Put it down in front of __you__ .”(把它放在你自己的前面 )

This picture can not have been painted by Rembrandt himself. ( 這圖畫不可能是Rembrandt 他自己繪畫的. )

He was tired out but he forced himself to go on. ( 他很累但還是勉強自己繼續下去) ..( was[verb] tired[adj.] out[preposition])
2010-01-23 4:30 am
1. put it down in front of ME HIM HER YOURSELF 都可以.

2. This picture can not have been painted by Rembrandt himself.
解: 這幅油畫沒有可能是Rembrandt他本人畫的 (示意 - 他們正在看一幅像是名畫家Rembrandt 畫的畫,但說話的人應為那幅畫一定不是他畫的 - 即係係假貨/ 徒弟畫 / etc.)

3. He was tired out but he forced himself to go on.
解: 他已經筋疲力盡, 但他逼他自己要繼續下去。 "tired out" 整個是一個 adjective - 形容詞.
2010-01-23 4:25 am
答:Put it down in front of yourself.

Hope it can help you!!!!!!!!!!!!
參考: me
2010-01-23 1:22 am

第二句 : This picture can not have been painted by Rembrandt himself.

can 在此句是作aux.助動詞, 在此不是作原動詞.所以不會有兩個v在同一句內

can 如解作動詞vt.是把(食品)裝入罐內.

can ( noun ) 解=罐頭.
2010-01-22 11:09 pm
It could be ME, HER or Him.意思是放低在我、她、他的面前。

其實此句子不是很對的,可以改成This picture have been painted by Rembrandt himself.不可以有兩組動詞。

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