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“Put it down in front of __yourself__ .”(把它放在你自己的前面 )
This picture can not have been painted by Rembrandt himself. ( 這圖畫不可能是Rembrandt 他自己繪畫的. )
He was tired out but he forced himself to go on. ( 他很累但還勉強自己繼續下去) ..( was[verb] tired[adj.] out[preposition])
2010-01-23 09:29:32 補充:
sorry i made a misstake, it should be;
“Put it down in front of __you__ .”(把它放在你的前面 )
2010-01-23 17:03:14 補充:
However, it is also true to say
“Put it down in front of yourself.”(把它放在你自己的前面 )
because the word "You" is understood, that is
"You put it down in front of yourself.”
2010-01-23 17:05:05 補充:
But, we cannot use "yourself" in this sentence;
"Who put it in front of you?" (cannot use "yourself")
because the answer may be;
"He put it in front of you."(cannot use "yourself")
"They put it in front of you."(cannot use "yourself")
2010-01-23 17:05:21 補充:
Am I clear?
you can refer the following: