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當..一些Adjective words 發出.有3個..的音 .時, we use "more" instead of +"er" (e.g. beautiful, comfortable...)
for your case, somebody pronouce it as "s-tric" then they use "stricter"
however it should be pronouced as "s-tric-t", then we use"more strict" whcih is a better answer . moreover the previous anwer is acceptable.
But we can not say"more stricter", it is absolutely wrong .
2010-01-22 09:27:03 補充:
for your case, somebody pronouces it as "s-tric" then they use "stricter"
However it should be pronouced as "s-tric-t", we use"more strict" whcih is a better way. Moreover the previous answer is acceptable.
2010-01-22 09:31:43 補充:
Somebody pronouces it as "s-tric" then they use "stricter" because after adding "er",
the word "stricter" 3個音 only ,
You try to pronouce "s-tric-ter" then you know why?
Am I clear?
2010-01-22 09:58:29 補充:
Sorry , we should use "stricter" since the word "stricter" 3個音 only , "s-tric-ter"
if +"er" makes 4個音, then use "more",
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