Guilty of a crime ??

2010-01-21 11:16 pm
They may be guilty of a crime. 我想問: guilty of a crime. 怎解? 沒理由解:有罪的罪....如果打成 They may be to have a crime...或 They may be having a crome. 或 They might have a crime. 在文化上可以嗎?

回答 (2)

2010-01-22 1:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
crime (noun) 不法行爲
a crime一宗罪案
guilty (adj,) 有罪的
may be guilty (adj,) 可能是有罪的
They are guilty他們是有罪的
They may be guilty. 他們可能是有罪的
They may be guilty of a crime. 有關這宗罪案, 他們可能是有罪的

(2) we use "committ" not use "have"

2010-01-21 23:38:16 補充:
(2) we use "commit" ,not using "have"

commit : [verb] 犯(罪),做(錯事等)

(a) I committed an error in handling the business.

(b) He committed a high crime.

2010-01-22 09:04:23 補充:
There are different kins of crimes,
cyber crimes;
war crimes;
sex crimes;
computer crimes;
retail crimes;
minor crimes;
major crimes ...

2010-01-22 09:08:50 補充:
There are different kinds of crimes,
cyber crimes;
war crimes;
sex crimes;
computer crimes;
retail crimes;
murder crimes;
rape crimes;
robbery crimes;
minor crimes;
major crimes ...
參考: :):), :):)
2010-01-22 5:45 pm


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