Look at the sentence ??

2010-01-21 10:34 pm
The Chief of Police himself made the arrest.
1. 首先解解這句: ( 最高級的警察本身只做逮捕的工作. ) 好像不是咁解.
2. 改句子: It was by the Chief of Police himself who made the arrest. (1.前個( it ) 是指什麼的)....( 2. 是否要加( by ) 才完整的.)

回答 (3)

2010-01-24 9:55 am
✔ 最佳答案

The Chief of Police himself
made the arrest. 這警長

The Chief of Police himself
made the arrest. 親自

The Chief of Police himself made
the arrest. 完成了

The Chief of Police himself made the
arrest. 這次逮捕

The Chief of Police himself made the arrest. 這警長親自完成了這次逮捕

(1)改句子: 加 by 的方法.

Step 1: The arrest was made.
(changed to passive voice)

Step 2: The arrest was made by the Chief of Police himself.

Step 3: It was by the Chief
of Police himself that the arrest was made.


It (作無人稱動詞的主詞Used as the subject
of an impersonal verb)

(2)改句子: 不加by 的方法.

It was the Chief of Police
himself who made the arrest.


It (作無人稱動詞的主詞Used as the subject
of an impersonal verb)
參考: :):)
2010-01-22 5:47 pm


2010-01-22 5:17 am
1. 意思是 chief of police 親自拘捕。

2. 文法不對,要拿走 by。It 並無意思,只是用來帶出整個句子。

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