Start eating their meals ??

2010-01-21 10:06 pm
1. They manage to reach the village on their own. ( 他們自己勉强到了郷村, 如果我打成: They reach the village hardly on their own. 可以嗎? )
2. She was certain she could manage by herself. ( 她被確定她能約束自己.)
3. He went to sit by himself. ( 他自己去坐. )
4. ...When babies start eating their meals by themselves.( 他們自己開始吃自己的餐..好像解得不甚好)
5. I will take it down to the police station myself. 我自己拿東西去police station.


回答 (3)

2010-01-22 12:21 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 英文正確寫法:They can manage to reach the village on their own. 是「他們不假外求,靠自己努力而到達了村莊」,並沒有「勉強」之意。至於「他們自己勉强到了郷村」,就連中文意思都不通,故愛莫能助。
2. 英文正確寫法:she was certain that she could manage by herself. 意為「她肯定自己能夠處理(某事)」,沒「約束」的意思。又或She was certain that she could manage by herself. 意為「她肯定可以為自己打點」。
3. 英文正確寫法:He sits by himself. 或 he is sitting by himself. 可以形容嬰兒終於可以「自己坐起身來了」。至於he went to sit是錯誤的。
4. 嬰兒們開始自己進食。(即毋需假手於人)
5. 英文正確寫法:I will take it to the police station by myself.
參考: hkslot
2010-01-22 5:48 pm

2010-01-21 11:54 pm
Manage : 設法做到
on one’s own : 獨立無助地
Manage…on one’s own : 自己想法子
They manage to reach the village on their own. 他們自己想法子到村莊去
We cannot say “hardly” because it may be managed easily
Manage : 處理
by herself : 由她自己
She was certain she could manage (it) by herself. 她確定她能自己處理好(它)
“約束自己” means “manage herself” missing the word “by”
He went to sit by himself. ( 他自己去坐. )
meal : 進餐
eating … by themselves懂得自己吃
when 當 ... 時
When babies start eating their meals by themselves.( 當嬰兒們開始懂得自己吃餐時 )
Take it down to = take it down and take it to
Take it down : 拿下來
Take it to : 帶去
Myself : 親自
I will take it down to the police station myself. 我親自把它拿下來帶到警署去.
參考: :):)

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