在2009年4月, 我在這間公司撞反中學的男朋友, 因為個陣時屋企既封建, 所以我們失去聯絡,但到現在撞反我們又好順其自然起反埋一起, 雖然我們已經各有家庭, 但都忍唔住.... 而我都因為這件事俾我前x打到入醫院, 現在已經分開左. 而他, 佢老婆知道有了我的存在, 都搵左人打左佢一餐, 而佢搬左出來住左一個月到, 因為佢媽媽有cancer, 只剩下半年左右. 所以佢又番反去. 佢成日同我說要我忍耐點, 遲點就可以起反埋一起, 又說他已經沒有和佢老婆有性生活, 叫我忍耐點... 但佢老婆就成日打電話俾我, 一係就send d sms 過來, 我真係好煩... 佢老婆說佢同佢老公仲有性生活, 仲話佢老公有幾勁... 我真係好辛苦, 我係咪真係要離開嗎???
回答 (2)
✔ 最佳答案
妳要做個有智慧的人, 對與不對或者好與不好,
都要自己決定, 其他人給妳的意見不一定
無論選擇如何, 結果妳都是自負. 不過多口的說一句:
愛不一定要擁有; 不要破壞別人的完整家庭 !
做朋友是可以大方的相處一生一世; 相反第三者不過是
Take everything easy.
Do what you have been doing. A man is not single until he is divorced. If you can hang out wiht a married man and enjoy him without a marriage, do what will make you happy. Since you are not a virgin, sorry to be so frank to you.
However, if you cannot handle the stress that one day, he changed his mind not to divorce to stay with you, RUN. If he does not have to divorce and still can enjoy two women, why does he have to do that? Hope you can understand what I mean.
As for his wife, if I were you, I will tell that bitch not to call you and watch her husband.
Girl, tell that man to make his decision. You or her.
Actually, there are many good men out there waiting for you too.
收錄日期: 2021-04-27 13:15:33
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