which number is 70 percent of the way from?

2010-01-21 6:43 am
This was on one of my quizzes, I submitted it and I got it wrong. How would you find the answer?

What number is 70% of the way from 5.2 to 8.1?

回答 (7)

2010-01-21 6:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
If I understood the problem correctly then:



Answer: The number is 7.23
2010-01-21 2:47 pm
= 5.2 + [(8.1 - 5.2)*0.7]
2010-01-21 3:10 pm
2010-01-21 2:50 pm
First, find the difference between 8.1 and 5.2 ---> 2.9
Finding 70% of 2.9 should be easy..
The answer to the question above is 2.03

Add 2.03 to 5.2 = 7.23

There you go, the answer is 7.23
2010-01-21 2:49 pm
(8.1-5.2) x 0.7 + 5.2
2010-01-21 2:48 pm
From 5.2 to 8.1 is 2.9.

70% of 2.9 = 2.03

The number that is 70% of the way from 5.2 to 8.1 is 7.23.
參考: I have taught math for over 40 yr.
2010-01-21 2:48 pm
(8.1 - 5.2) x 0.7

收錄日期: 2021-05-01 12:59:24
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