
2010-01-21 7:37 am
1. enter 用in /into? 或2者也可? 有沒有例句?
2. There are not enough food. Can I say ' there are no enough food.'?

回答 (3)

2010-01-21 9:23 am
✔ 最佳答案
(1). enter 用in /into? 或2者也可? 有沒有例句? Enter 用 into

1. 加入;開始
They have entered into a contract with a firm.

2. 構成...的一部分
Flour has largely entered into our diet.

3. 考慮;討論
We'll enter into the next issue this afternoon.

4. 登錄;將...輸入
He showed me how to enter data into the computer.

2010-01-21 01:35:51 補充:
(2). There are not enough food. ? There are no enough food. ?

both are wrong, you can say:

1. There is not enough food.食物不足夠
2. There are not many foods.食品種類不多
參考: , :):)
2010-01-21 9:07 am
1. enter into a relationship (開始一段(男女朋友)的關係)
好似冇見enter in因為enter本身已經係「入」,所以不會再用in;但into是強調一種深度,所以如上述不會翻譯為,進入一段關係,而是開展一段關係。

2. 正確寫法係There is not enough food.因為food係uncountable,所以沒有眾數的,只能用is(單數)。不能用no,因為你形容的不是food而是enough「足夠與否」。改少少卻可以說:There is no food in this house.
2010-01-21 7:50 am
1. enter 用into的
2. 應該唔可以用no .

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