of 和 from 的分別

2010-01-21 3:07 am
經常看到某些句子說 xxx of xxx 或 xxx from xxx
of 和 from 後面的通常是什麼?

回答 (4)

2010-01-21 4:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 從...起,始於
She is singing from morning to night.她從早唱到晚。
2. 從;由
He rose from office boy to managing director in fifteen years.他十五年裡從工友升到總經理。
3. 離(開)
Our school is two miles from the station.我們學校離車站兩英里。
4. 從...來;出自
He comes from Shanghai.他來自上海。
5. (表示去除,免掉,阻止,剝奪等)
The pill will relieve you from pain.這藥丸將使你免受痛苦。
6. (表示區別,比較)
He is old enough to know right from wrong.他已長大,能夠辨別是非了。
7. (表示原料)由
Flour is made from wheat.麵粉由小麥製成。
8. 因為,由於;出於
He wasn't ill; he stayed in bed from laziness.他沒病,躺在床上是因懶惰之故。
He is trembling from fear.他嚇得發抖。

1. ...的,屬於
One of the legs of the table is broken.桌子的一條腿壞了。
Mr. Brown is a friend of mine.布朗先生是我的朋友。
2. 用...做成的;由...製成
The house is of stone.這房子是石建的。
3. 含有...的;裝有...的
4. ...之中的;...的成員
Of all the students in this class, Tom is the best.在這個班級中,湯姆是最優秀的。
5. (表示同位)
He came to New York at the age of ten.他在十歲時來到紐約。
6. (表示受格關係)
He gave a lecture on the use of solar energy.他就太陽能的利用作了一場講演。
7. (表示主格關係)
We waited for the arrival of the next bus.我們等待下一班汽車的到來。
I have the complete works of Shakespeare.我有莎士比亞全集。
8. 來自...的;出自
He was a graduate of the University of Hawaii.他是夏威夷大學的畢業生。
9. 因為
Her son died of hepatitis.她兒子因患肝炎而死。
10. 在...方面
My aunt is hard of hearing.我姑媽耳朵有點背。
11. 【美】(時間)在...之前
12. (表示具有某種性質)
It is a matter of importance.這是一件重要的事。
參考: :):)
2010-01-21 7:27 am
Of / From 是介詞preposition類別,是專門用來構成短語去形容句前的情況,慣性放在句最前,所以又叫做[ 前置詞 ] .介詞短語內不容存有任何verb.

介詞後面的通常是 article+noun,pron.adj,及動名詞gerund.

例1: The city........城市

of Hong Kong......[ of=屬於...香港的 ] 這是prepositional phrase 形容The city

例2 : The legs ( of the table.屬於那枱的 )腳. chinese=枱的腳.

from也是一樣:He comes ( from China. 從中國) 來的他. chinese=他從中國來.

參考: 希望幫到你
2010-01-21 3:22 am
meaning: 1. belonging to sb; relating to sb
e.g. 1. a friend of mine 我的一個朋友
2. The paintings of Monet 莫奈的图作

meaning: 1. used tp show where sb/sth starts
e.g.she began to walk away from him.
2. used to show when sth starts
e.g.we're open from 8 to 7 every day.
3. used to show who sent or gave sth/sb
e.g.a letter from my brother.
4. used to show what the origin of sb/sth
e.g.I'm from Italy.
5. used to show the material that sth is made of
e.g.steel is made from iron.
6. used to show how far apart two places are
e.g.100metres from the scene of the accident.
7. used to show sb's position or point of view
e.g.you can see the island from here.
8. used ot show the range of sth
e.g.the temperature varies from 30 degrees to minus 20.
9. used to show the state of form of sth/sb
e.g.things have gone from bad to worse.
10. used to show that sb/sth is separated of removed
e.g.the party was ousted from power after eighteen years.
11. used to show that sth is prevented
e.g.she saved him from drowning.
12. used to show the reason for sth
e.g.she felt sick from tiredness.
13. used to show the reason for making a judgement
e.g.you can tell a lot about a person from their handwriting.
14. used when distinguishing between two people or things
e.g. Is Portuguese very different from Spanish?

I have used a lot of time to find the differences of 'from' and 'of'. I hope you can
2010-01-21 3:15 am

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