
2010-01-20 3:07 am
1. 去LA留學大約要帶D咩類別既衣服?短袖T SHIRT? 要唔要帶D褸? 凍唔凍? 大約幾度?)
2. D天氣係唔係好乾燥架? 仲有~當地有冇D店舖好似香港既萬寧同SASA咁咁多護膚品賣? 會唔會好貴? 有冇NEVIA, OLAY, JOHNSON BABY 呢D COMMON牌子?
3. 我會搭國泰既 直飛LA ~仲係第一次搭飛機~我想知學生係唔係會有免費既行李LIMIT(23KG之外既LIMIT)?
4. 如果我已經有廿幾寸乘30幾寸既喼~仲可唔可以帶多個好細既喼?我好多野要帶~又驚超重.....
5. ~如果我帶個背狼~好似書包咁大度啦~~上唔上到機架~當HAND CARRY~ 好果我有4-5支15ML度既護膚品要帶上機~得唔得?係唔係要用個密實袋代住佢地??
6. 上機可唔可以帶零食??~CHOCOLATE呢D啦~得唔得??可唔可以帶LEMON TEA嗰D?

回答 (4)

2010-01-20 10:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. Usually Summer-Autumn Clothing will be best fit for Los Angeles. As always, bring a jacket in case of sudden cold weather.

2. It is usually dryer than Hong Kong (but it also depends how you feel about it). Skin care products are available many places, such as supermarkets and drugstores. Major brands (as you mentioned) are available widely.

3. Only if you buy the student ticket from them (in order to request additional luggage allowance).

4. 1 Hand-carry is allowed if it meets the requirement. Contact Cathay Pacific for detail.

5. See above. Yes for the skin cares. If you want to make sure the liquid requirement, please go to:


6. Yes only if they meet the requirement. Usually Cathay Pacific can tell you if you can or not.

2010-01-21 02:46:33 補充:
1. 2 lugguages with each maximum weight of 23 kg. If you are not over in total weight, but imbalance. Airlines may ask you to re-balance it (or may not). Your experience may vary.

2. You should (although you will be subjected to additional screening). You will be fine eventually.
2010-01-21 3:51 pm
for international flight, you allow to get 2 luggages free ( check in ). the 3rd + may charge $150 to $400 HKD a piece.

carry on is means a small 喼 OR 書包背狼, just one, not both.
woman allow to has one handbag extra.

LA weather is hot and warm...... if you are boy, no need to bring any jacket......maybe wind jacket is fine.

NEVIA, OLAY, JOHNSON BABY 呢D COMMON牌子.---- you can find it everywhere, supermarkets, drug stores..... should be under $10 USD, will be cheaper if they are on sale that week.

有4-5支15ML度既護膚品要帶上機, ------- put it all inside the check - in luggage.

snacks and drink can bring into plane, but you have to buy it in airport waitting area. not from street. ( plane has all types of drinking. why bring it yourself?? )

you should report exactly how much money you carry on. $1000 USD is nothing today lar.
參考: live in US over 30 yrs.
2010-01-20 10:46 pm
1. 其實L.A. 的天氣同香港差唔多﹐冬天很小低於攝氏7度﹐一般約9-18 度。徐了小量厚褸外﹐最好帶多d 薄褸﹐因全年可穿的機會很多。夏天無香港甘熱。
2. L.A.是比香港乾燥, 一般的 drug store 有潤膚品賣, Neutrogena 超平。香港有賣的化裝品牌子, 很多都能在department store 找到。
3. 好多airline 都有給學生extra baggage allowance, 你要問返幫你買機票個間旅行社。
4. 如上 (see 3. above)。
5. 4-5支15ML既護膚品要帶上機應該無問題﹐呢個link 有晒上機既information:
6. 上機可以帶零食,但唔可以帶LEMON TEA, 因為係液體。

2010-01-21 14:09:52 補充:
1. 只要你兩個行李箱加埋唔超過總重量限制﹐其中一件重過另外一件是沒有問題的。我時時搭 UA 都只帶一件超大,勁重既行李都得。
2. 入美國時要填一張表 -- 我估你是指 I-20。過關時會給印﹐千其唔好唔見呀﹐以後出入境都要用架。袋一千元美元完全無問題。
2010-01-20 6:32 pm
1. T-shirt is a must. No matter how cold it is, you will wear t-shirt. Cuz once you get to those indoor places, it will be really hot. You can bring some sweater, or even down jacket. The temperature varies a lot, normally the coldest is -10 in winter...and 10 max. In summer, is like the fall and spring in hong kong.

2. Yes it's gonna be really dry, especially in winter. They have all those brands you have listed. It won't be too expensive, like 20% more. However if they are on sale, it might be even cheaper than the one in HK.

3. Yes if you purchase the student ticket, you can bring 3 23KG luggage. You can check it in cathay pacific's website, or confirm it with your agent.

4. They have the exact size on cathay pacific's website also. Under 36X23X56 cm will be fine. But it should be under 7kg (but they never check mine). You can bring 護膚品, but at the boarding gate you should get those "specific" plastic bags to carry those 護膚品.

5. Of course you can. Lemon tea, powder form is fine, but not in liquid form for sure.


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