HK to Chicago 機票一問

2010-01-20 1:18 am

3月8日HK to Reno
3月12日Reno to Chicago
3月16日Chicago to HK

請教有經驗人士, “Reno to Chicago”這段應該在哪個城市轉機會較短路程, 及較便宜?

回答 (4)

2010-01-20 10:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
I assume you mean Reno, NV.

The best way will be:

1. Hong Kong - San Francisco

2. San Francisco - Reno (Ground Transporation preferred. Air will be extremely expensive)

3. Reno - San Francisco (Ground Transporation preferred. Air will be extremely expensive)

4. San Francisco - Chicago O'Hare (ORD) / Midway (MDW)

5. Chicago O'Hare - Hong Kong

In most of the case, United will be your only choice.

Try to avoid flying in or out Reno will definitely keep your cost low (and possible time-saving), as it may cost about 33% of your entire ticket price.

Also, make sure you book all the flight in a single reservation because domestic flights charge checked-in luggage. Same reservation may help you to avoid extra fees.
2010-01-21 4:15 pm
book delta airline all the way---

3/8 HK to Las Vegas, take bus to Reno.
3/12 reno take bus to Las vegas then to Chicago.
3/16 Chicago to HK.

$ 1250 USD + tax and fee.
2010-01-21 12:10 am
上面位朋友比你既行程係最好架,不過Reno to Chicago 呢段如果經而SAN FRANCISCO 已經full左,得返d貴位,如果你經DENVER去 CHICAGO就OK介有位,呢個行程張票價 $15800 + tax$1420,有問題可以email我:
2010-01-20 5:42 am
你去旅行社問 佢地會幫你用電腦轉機, 唔洗你咁煩嫁啦.

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