I agree to your idea?

2010-01-19 7:50 am
如題, 我的說法對嗎?

Entitle 有什麼意思? 請列出.

consequence 後面可跟什麼 preposition?


回答 (8)

2010-01-20 11:18 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I agree to your idea?
不對。Agree一個人、一件事、一種睇法(名詞),都應用agree with。
所以,理應說成I agree with your idea或I do agree with you.
Agree to的情況只會有verb跟尾,如agree to share(同意去分享);agree to differ(承認有分歧);agree to pay(同意繳付)等。

意思有二:1)give a title to;為…命名;如:It’s a book entitled THE WORLD IS FLAT. 這書取名【世界是平的】。2)give someone a right to do or to have something;賦予權利或資格;如:you are entitled to receive a refund. 你擁有獲取退款的資格。

一般會用consequence of。
The consequences of global warming(全球暖化帶來的影響)
Explain the consequences of lying(請說出“撒謊”所帶來的嚴重後果)
有些情況亦會用consequences in、consequences upon及consequences for等,全視乎句子結構。
Population control and its consequences in China(人口控制及其對中國的影響)
The harmful consequences upon the nation(對國家的負面影響)
Divorce and its consequences for children(離婚及其對孩子的影響)
參考: hkslot
2010-01-26 8:04 pm
Agree to: consent or assent to a condition, or agree to do something; "She agreed to all my conditions"; "He agreed to leave her alone"

2010-01-26 12:05:37 補充:
Agree on: achieve harmony of opinion, feeling, or purpose; "No two of my colleagues would agree on whom to elect chairman"

2010-01-26 12:06:22 補充:
Agree in: show grammatical agreement; "Subjects and verbs must always agree in English"

2010-01-26 12:06:43 補充:
Agree with: be agreeable or suitable; "White wine doesn''t agree with me"

2010-01-26 12:06:55 補充:
Agree with: be in accord; be in agreement; "We agreed on the terms of the settlement"; "I can''t agree with you!"; "I hold with those who say life is sacred"; "Both philosophers concord on this point"

2010-01-26 12:07:18 補充:
Agree in: be compatible, similar or consistent; coincide in their characteristics; "The two stories don''t agree in many details"; "The handwriting checks with the signature on the check"; "The suspect''s fingerprints don''t match those on the gun

2010-01-26 12:07:31 補充:
Be agreed by: Passive voice;”The idea was agreed by Mary.”
2010-01-21 2:52 am
Strictly speaking, the rule is:

Agree to something
Agree with somebody
Disagree with (something/somebody)

"I agree to your idea" is correct.

"I agree with your idea" can be correct if it is taken to mean "I agree with you regarding the idea you put forward."
2010-01-21 1:08 am
The following question is quoted from Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary:

Is he going to agree to our suggestion?

2010-01-22 09:39:37 補充:
Agree to 是可以的:

以下抄自The New Penguin English Dictionary


-Verb/intrans( often+to) to give assent ; to accede: I agree to your proposal

-(often +with) to be of the same opionion: I agree with you.
2010-01-20 3:52 pm
先來談談agree與不同介詞(preposition)的用法,若解同意(to have same opinion),則其結構是

agree (with sb)(about/on sth) 或with sth

以with帶出(人),而about /on 帶出(事),即你同意某人對某事的看法,如:

He agreed with them about the need for change.

We don't agree on everything.

I agree with her analysis.

若agree解作應允(to say yes to),那就要用to帶出(事),如:

We agree to your proposal.

若解作決定,約定,商議定(to decide with sb else to do something or to have something,則可有 V+N, 或 V+to infinitive,如:

Can we agree a plan?(我們可否商定計劃)


當然不可用to,而 要用with
可說I agree with you on your idea 或I agree with your idea


Every employee is entitled to mandatory holiday.

最後, consequence是用of 帶出是甚麼事的後果,如:consequence of over-investment


This decision could have serious consequences for the future of the industry

Not making a will can have serious consequences for the people you might wish to benefit.


2010-01-20 07:55:21 補充:
對不起,應是mandatory holidays
2010-01-19 8:08 pm
I agree with your idea.
to係有指向性,而不是融合性, 一般with的prep都是有融合的意思。

entitle是「擁有權」的意思,由title這個法律專有名詞而來,title是指有名份和法定權力的,例如你屋契便是一份你的title。 en-是「授」的意思,所以entitle作為動詞/名詞便指擁有權。

I am entitle to this house.
I would like to exercise my entitlement on this house.

The consequence in taking drugs is...
The consequence of being late is...
2010-01-19 4:14 pm
I agree to your idea.........[ to ] prep. 較宜用在[ 方式, 行為 ] 的形容上.
[ 認同你的想法 ] 全是一種 [ 情態 ] 宜用with.
I agree with your idea. [ with ] 懷著你的想法我認同.
中文: 我[ 對 ]你的想法認同. 被混淆而錯用 [ to ]. 在選擇用何prep.做短語時真的要好小心.
2010-01-19 8:22 am



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