Simple English question

2010-01-19 5:10 am
Can I use passive voice when I want to use "irritate" to make a sentance like "I was a little irritated" ?

for translation of "irritate" ,it mean "使"惱怒 in chinese, then, is it mean some words like "irritate" can't use passive voice?

A English question asked from a English learner. Thanks!

回答 (7)

2010-01-19 7:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Can I use passive voice when I want to use "irritate" to make a sentance like "I was a little irritated" ?
This sentence is correct and you should use irritated as you feel irritated by someone or by some action.

for translation of "irritate" ,it mean "使"惱怒 in chinese, then, is it mean some words like "irritate" can't use passive voice?
There are many words to choose from. Offend, frustrate etc. It has to be in passive voice in the above sentence as you are affected by somone. If you want to use active voice, you can write

Please do not do this, it irritates me.

So, the rule of using paasive/active voice depends on how you write the sentence. not by the word you use.

Hope this helps.

Francis from Canada
2010-01-27 4:51 pm
I was a little irritated = I felt irritated.

You are correct that Irritate = mostly in passive voice.

It was irritating = something happened was annoying.
2010-01-19 8:24 pm
2010-01-19 5:44 pm
Irritated can be an adj.
For the sentence structure, you may write it as: I am irritated, like I am happy.
Perhaps you don't have to consider whether it is passive voice or active voice.
2010-01-19 8:39 am

2010-01-19 8:09 am
2010-01-19 6:30 am
Because it is Ching, I don't understand what you said.

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