首先,我建議你睇明呢篇文章,大致內容係你講既METAL會擺係負極CATHODE而唔係ANODE︳而ANODE(陽極)係可以用來擺一件你想ELECTROPATING 既物件。
咁現在我用依段英文來解釋甚麼係ELECTROLYSIS(電解). 留心LA。
Whenever different metals are placed in a conductive liquid you create a battery. If you connect these pieces of metal together, current will flow. The current will be removing metal from one of the metal pieces = "electrolysis".
老實講,我雖然已經離開中四化學課程有10個年頭LA,但有一樣野仍然記得,所以可以解答你的問題。用簡單的解說去回答你的問題,就係dIFFERENT METAL has Different reactivity in electrolytic reactions. 如zinc(鋅),它在sodium cholride 會被ionized, (ie. zinc is ionized in solution NaCl to form zinc 2+ ions. ) 可見zinc form的positive ions的charge is 2, charge 越高,代表metal越高reactivity in electrolysis. 又如aluminium, Al,它被ionized 後是form Al3+的ions, 這代表aluminium係十分適合用於electrolysis of concentrated sodium chloride solution. 而platinum,係一種稱為transition elements的金屬,這個element所具有既特性就是The transition elements have low ionization energies. 但唔代表platinum唔可以在electrolysis 用到,唯一的困難在於sodium chloride is not an acidic solution. 即係話,platinum需要在強酸作傳導才能被ionized 出幾種唔同的+ve ions,
如果係我答,就會答因為NaCl不是一種acidic solution but is a neutral solution with Ph about 7. 雖然唔知我答唔答到你要既答案,但係你可以試下去問,同多了解一下每樣metal 的ionic charge。