~我讀緊Associate Degree Year 1,想報CU ,但佢有2個Admission Scheme, 一個 for Non Jupas Local, 另一個係 sub degree holders , 究竟我應該報哪一個?
~ Non Jupas Local entrance requirments 得
"For applicants seeking admissions on the strength of qualifications other than Hong Kong Advanced Level Examination results"
~如果係 sub degree scheme:
Applicants shall be eligible to apply for admission if they
have successfully completed a course of study leading to the qualification of associate degree / higher diploma, and
have attained an acceptable level of proficiency in the English and Chinese languages.
咁我係未FULFILL到第1項? 我仲讀緊YEAR 1,個COURSE 2年。
~仲有我想知道2010年各間大學NON-JUPAS 嘅截止日期!