請問有無人試過用United Mileage Plus換機票

2010-01-17 6:39 am
我現時有22,000 Mileage Plus,快到一個月要用完。
請問有無人試過用United Mileage Plus換過最低20,000Mileage Plus的機票, 可唔可以講下由那個AIRLINE 及起發地點,供我參考。
還有,覺得如果申請United Mileage Plus Visa,要花美元$250享有30,000Mileage Plus,你們有什麼意見?

回答 (1)

2010-01-17 7:51 am
✔ 最佳答案
With 20,000 miles you can redeem a round-trip ticket from HK to Singapore on United. Just go to www.united.com and redeem online.

The UA visa offer is quite good, because when you have 60,000 miles you can redeem a free ticket to any city in the U.S.

2010-01-21 14:20:43 補充:
UA o係 亞州徐了飛 Singapore 外﹐就只有越南胡志明是市 (Ho Chi Ming City)﹐ 一樣都係要 20,000 里換。

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