英文問題: which 同 where的用法~10點急!!!

2010-01-17 4:27 am
The ultimate music-whxxx excitement, touchingness and eternity happen.
應該用 which 定 where?
一時覺得which 比較correct,一時又想起NBA ge "Where amazing happens."

但系好似 where 令D bor...==


Well, this is a complete sentence with a capital letter and a footstop. ==

回答 (6)

2010-01-17 6:42 pm
✔ 最佳答案
The ultimate music-whxxx excitement, touchingness and eternity happen.
應該用 which 定 where? 應該用 where

It depends on the verb "happen".
Question: Where excitement, touchingness and eternity happen?
Answer: The ultimate music.(在哪里發生excitement...)

If "happen" changed to "are given", then use "which".

The ultimate music-which excitement, touchingness and eternity are given.
Question: Which gives excitement, touchingness and eternity ?
Answer: The ultimate music. (哪些事物給予excitement...)

2010-01-20 10:07:05 補充:
The ultimate music-where excitement, touchingness and eternity happen.
The ultimate music is a place where excitement, touchingness and eternity happen.

2010-01-20 10:08:18 補充:
The ultimate music-which excitement, touchingness and eternity are provided.
The ultimate music is something which excitement, touchingness and eternity are provided.
參考: hope can help :):), :):), :):)
2010-01-21 1:25 pm
你呢句我覺得好口語,而且沒必要用Complex Sentence, 文法來看用了Complex Sentence 後不能令表達更簡潔. The excitement, touchingness and eternity are happened in the ultimate music. Simple Sentence 較為好呢. 但如果你想分清楚 which 同where 的用法, 你只要想下你句Complex Sentence 的原句有沒有 there ,有的就用where,否則用which.
2010-01-18 9:33 pm

The ultimate music - which excitement happens 不成文,因為happens是個intransitive verb,不可以接direct object,所以接不上which。

The ultimate music - where excitement happens 在文法上算是對的,但在邏輯上,「驚喜發生在音樂裡」是不成意思的。
2010-01-17 6:49 am
[which] is totally wrong. You cannot use [which] unless you are saying something that music does.

[The ultimate music - which makes people happy]
[The ultimate music - which is free to download]

[The ultimate music - where excitement 等等 happen] is OK.

2010-01-16 22:52:41 補充:
actually I forgot that [which] is ok if [music] is the object of a verb

[The ultimate music - which you like to listen to]

But there is no grammatical relationship between [music] and [excitement]. So you have to use [where].
參考: i'm american
2010-01-17 6:02 am
You have not shown us the complete sentnence so the meaning is not clear enough.

Rule for using which and where is shown as following.

Which should be used here if we refer to the music and an item. Where is used when we refer to a place.

2010-01-17 5:48 am
你用 which 咪岩囉!人地 NBA 用 Where amazing happens 係因為人地講緊o既係 NBA 呢個地方就係有 amazing o既事發生o既地方,NBA 三個字意思係指呢個打 NBA o既地方,而唔係 NBA 獨立o既第三生單數。而你講緊o既係 music 呢樣野而唔係呢個玩 music o既地方,所以應該係用 which 先岩,唔應該用 where。

2010-01-19 00:26:40 補充:
我贊成 tintin852 o既講法,你句句子用左 happen 個字已經唔係咁 make sense。邊有可能o係 D music 裡面會有野發生?

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