
2010-01-17 12:37 am
Teenage problem

Good morning todayi would talk about teenage problem .
Teenage has a lot of problem .it is about health , love ,family ,
friends ,studies , self-image and money .
I would talk about studies , money and self-image .
First , I think studies is main problem . Students have lots of homework to do everyone .
i heard a student cried about studies ,but her result is better than me . everyone like nerouswhen this exam
would come . I think they can find some way to subtract pressure . the problem would solve

Second , some teenage have a big desire for money . they do an illegal practice for money .
For example ,smuggle ,sell drug and sell licentious etc. i heard a girl sell her body for money.
finally ,she had killed .i disagree their way to find money . that is wrong ! they could hard to studies .
Only this way ,they have a good future.

third , many teenage value theirself -image very much. Face ,hair and body are very important.
they for beautiful ! i think beautiful from heart do not from appearance .The beautiful appearance is transient!
the beautiful heart is forever !

回答 (4)

2010-01-17 6:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Teenage problem
Good morning today I would talk about teenage problem s .
Teenage has a lot of problems , namely health , love ,family ,
friends ,studies , self-image and money .
I would like to talk about studies , money and self-image .
Firstly , I think study is a main problem . Students have lots of homework to do everyday .
I even heard a student cry over her studies with her academic results even better than me! When it comes to examinations, everyone becomes nervous. I think they can find some way to alleviate the pressure. In this way , the problem would be solved easily.
Secondly , some teenagers have a strong desire for money. They even obtain money illegally.
For example ,they smuggle ,sell drug and even tempt prostituiton . I have heard of a girl who sold her body just for money.
Finally ,she was killed. I disagree with her about the way to obtain money . That is really wrong ! They should actually study hard. Only through this way ,they have a good future.

Thirdly , many teenagers are concerned with their self -image. They seeked beautifulness . I think beautifulness came from heart not from appearance .Beauty is but skin deep. They shouldn't put all of their attention to their apperance.
參考: Hope it helps
2010-01-17 5:20 am
Teenage's problem

Good morning today I would like to talk about teenage's problem .
Teenage has a lot of problem .It is about health , love ,family ,
friends ,studies , self-image and money .
I would like to talk about studies , money and self-image .
First , I think studies is a main problem . Students have lots of homework to do every day .
I heard a student cried about studies ,but her result is better than me . Everyone like nerouswhen this exam
would come . I think they can find some way to subtract the pressure . The problem would be solved

Second , some teenage have a big desire for money . They will do an illegal practice for money .
For example ,smuggle ,sell drug and sell licentious etc. I heard a girl who sell hr body for money.
Finally ,she had been killed .I disagree their way to find money . That is absolutely wrong ! They could studies or do anything which is good for there fulture .

third , many teenage valued theirself -image very much. Face ,hair and body are very important.
this is all a' fake' beautiful ! i think beautiful is from heart do not from appearance .The beautiful appearance is transient!
the beautiful heart is forever !

************************************************************************************************I am p6 and I studied in DBSPD(男拔)
My english is above th average
2010-01-17 2:08 am
Good morning, today I would like to talk about teenage problem .
Teenage has a lot of problem, such as, health, ove, amily, friends, studies, self-image and money.
I would like to talk about studies , money and self-image .

First, I think studies is main problem . Students have lots of homework to do everyday.
I heard a student cried about studies ,but her result is better than me . Everyone like nerous when this exam is coming . I think they can find some way to subtract pressure . the problem may be solve quickly.

Second , some teenage have a big desire for money . They did an illegal practice for money .
For example ,smuggle ,sell drug and sell licentious etc. I heard a girl sell her body for money.
However ,she had killed .I disagree their way to find money . that is wrong! They could be hard-working to studies .

By this way, they can have a good future.
Third, the value of many teenage's image very little. Face, hair and body are very important.
They for beautiful! I think beautiful from heart do not from appearance .The beautiful appearance is transient!
The beautiful heart is forever !
參考: me
2010-01-17 12:44 am

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