
2010-01-16 11:27 pm
A sequence a1, a2, a3 ..., an where a1 = 1, a2 = 1 and an+2 = an+1 + 2an for all n = 1, 2, 3, …
Let an = A*α^n + B*β^n, where α =/= β
Prove that an = 1/3[2^n - (-1)^n]

I dont mean by using MI to prove this statement. What I want to ask is how to get the formula.

回答 (1)

2010-01-17 12:07 am
✔ 最佳答案
Let P(n) be the statement a_n=(1/3)[2^n-(-1)^n]

when n=1, a_1=1=(1/3)[2-(-1)]. P(1) is true
when n=2, a_1=1=(1/3)[2^2-(-1)^2]. P(2) is true

Assume that when n=k, P(k) is true, when n=k+1

So P(k+1) is true. By M.I. for all positive integer n, a_n=(1/3)[2^n-(-1)^n]

2010-01-16 22:26:19 補充:
This is just the second order difference equation. Consider the chacteristic equation
=>λ=2 or -1

So a_n=A2^n+B(-1)^n. Using a_1=a_2=1

So a_n=(1/3)[2^n-(-1)^n]. OK ?

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