痳煩英文翻譯~ (唔要網上中文詞典翻譯的)

2010-01-15 9:34 am
你好,我叫 XXX,今年XX歲。
我家中有父親 , 母親 和我 。
在讀書期間曾任職part-time玩具反斗城的收銀員 工作期為2008年5月至12月
亦於2009年2月因參加新城電台的比賽而勝出後 於新城電台任兼職助手,主要替主持人排列稿子 .工作期為3至4月 ,因準備會考而離職
2009年中五畢業後的4月至9月 我在元朗的一間家俬批發公司做銷售文員,我日常主要工作範圍包括文件處理、接聽電話、安排出貨、報價等。後來因公司搬遷問題離職

後來,因面試友美國友邦保險 有限公司而獲取錄,在10月至12月期間任職祕書。

總括而言,若我真的有幸在此工作,我會盡全力做到最好;不會讓你失望。 感謝你



                  ~(第1段)~請以呢段為準 因太長要分2段~ 你好,我叫 XXX,今年XX歲。 我家中有父親 , 母親 和我 。 在讀書期間曾任職part-time玩具反斗城的收銀員 工作期為2008年5月至12月 因準備考試離職 亦於2009年2月因參加新城電台的比賽而勝出後 於新城電台任兼職助手,主要替主持人排列稿子 .工作期為3至4月 ,因準備會考而離職 2009年中五畢業後的4月至9月 我在元朗的一間家俬批發公司做銷售文員,我日常主要工作範圍包括文件處理、接聽電話、安排出貨、報價等。後來因公司搬遷問題離職 後來,因面試美國友邦保險 有限公司而獲取錄,在10月至12月期間任職祕書。


(第2段) 因當時老闆的原有祕書放產假才聘請作替代.為期3個月,當時主要工作包括處理老闆的文件,聯絡客戶,安排會議,出通告,寫會議報告等。自從接觸過祕書工作後,我發現自己對這行業非常感興趣。故此想繼續從事這類型的工作,但我知自己年紀輕,所以畢業後自己一直在進修; 現在亦報讀一些英文課程讓自己不段增值,亦因經過上述的工作讓我明白工作需要的態度和成熟的處事手法,而我本身亦是一個很獨立的女孩子,更不會像現時年輕人一遇上困難就放棄。 總括而言,若我真的有幸在此工作,我會盡全力做到最好;不會讓你失望。 感謝你

回答 (2)

2010-01-16 4:26 am
✔ 最佳答案
Hello, My name is XXX, this year's XX-year-old.
My family has father, mother and me.
During the reading Toys R Us has worked part-time cashier job period in May 2008 to December
Prepare for the exam due to leave
Also in February 2009 for participating in the race to win Metro's Metro Radio after the part-time assistant principal for the host arranged the manuscript. Working period of 3 to 4 months due to prepare for the Certificate and the separation
2009 Five years after graduating from April to September I in Yuen Long a wholesale furniture company to do sales clerks, my everyday main areas of work include document processing, answering phones, arranging shipments, quotations. Was due to leave the company relocation
Later, because of the interview while American International Assurance Co., admitted in October to serve 12-month period the Secretary of

Was selected because the original owner was hired as secretary for maternity leave replacement. A period of 3 months, when the main tasks are to deal with the boss's file, contact customer to arrange the meeting, a notice, write the meeting report. Since the contact with secretarial work, I found myself very interested in this industry. So would like to continue to engage in this type of work, but I know I'm old light, so after graduation he has been in education;
It is also enroll in some English courses so that they do not value-added segment and brings through the above work for me to understand the operational needs of the attitude and mature way of handling things and I am also a very independent girl, but, unlike the present younger people give up an encounter difficulties.
To sum up, if I'm really fortunate to work here, I will make every effort to do our best; will not let you down. Thank you

2010-01-15 20:27:10 補充:
希望幫到你! ^o^
2010-01-15 10:26 pm
You are good, I call XXX, this year XX year old.
In my family has the father, the mother and I.
In studying period because once held an office the part-time toy counter-small city bankers to work the time was prepares May, 2008 to December to take a test leaves job also after participating in February, 2009 the new town broadcasting station's competition wins in the new town broadcasting station, no matter what the concurrent job assistant, mainly arranges the draft for the director. The work time for March to April, leaves job in 2009 after the preparation area-wide student examination five graduation I to be the sales officer April to September in a Yuen Long's family wholesale company, my daily prime task scope including the file processing, answers the telephone, the arrangement to produce goods, the quoted price and so on. Afterward because the company moved the question to leave job afterward, because interviewed the American ally to insure the Limited company to attain selects and admits, in October to December period assignment secretary. Because at that time boss's original secretary put the maternity leave only then to invite to make the substitution. For the time 3 months, at that time the prime task including processed boss's document, the contact customer, the arrangement conference, publishes the circular, writes the conference report and so on. After having contacted secretary works, I discovered that I am interested to this profession. Therefore wants to continue to be engaged in this type the work, but I know myself young, after therefore graduation, have been taking advanced courses;

2010-01-15 14:27:26 補充:
Now also the newspaper reads some English curriculum by oneself not section increment, because also undergoes the above work to let me understand that the job requirement the manner and mature handles matters the technique,

2010-01-15 14:28:35 補充:
but I also am a very independent girl, as soon as will not look like the young people to meet now difficultly gives up.
In summary, if I really in this work, I will try to achieve well fortunately; Will not let you be disappointed. Thanks you

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