Does anyone really believe Pat Robertson confused Haiti w/ Hades?

2010-01-15 6:28 am
Do you think he really believes the French controlled the ancient Greek underworld? How can Christians follow a man who blatantly lies like this? His "true story" is nothing more than an urban legend.

回答 (5)

2010-01-15 6:37 am
I stopped Believing Pat Robertson- a LONG time ago... .. . He had NOTHING to Say- then... And he hasn't changed - since. :(
2010-01-15 6:55 am
Not very Christian is he ? Don't forget how Rush Limbaugh showed his loving ,Christian compassion today also.
2010-01-18 10:23 am
what ever we named stories that is never be 100% true BUT IT is possible a lie.thanks.
2010-01-16 8:07 pm
And how do you know that the French didn't controlled the ancient Greek underworld? Where is your proof?

Once again it was Christians attacking another religion... this time Haitian Voodoo.

I think we already learned how peaceful and kind the Muslims are, when Christians were telling us they were not.

BTW, the African slaves were already freed when in Haiti and only 8 years later Bonaparte tried to make them slaves again.

Salon has fooled you again... they tell you Haitians are Christians... what they don't tell you is that they are ALSO follow a religion "Vodou" or simply Voodoo.

Many Haitians involved in the practice of vodou have been initiated as Houngans or Mambos. In Haiti, a houngan or mambo is considered a person of possible high power and status who acquire much money; it now is a growing occupation in Haiti, attracting many an impoverished citizen to its practice, not only to gain power but to gain money as well. Many vodou practitioners with a hunger to live a life of wealth and power became practitioners in order to exploit foreigners and Haitians who are uneducated about vodou, bringing them into a web of deceptions to collect large incomes in exchange for poor quality work.

The Dominican Republic is on the same island split down the middle and they experience NONE of what Haiti experiences. Maybe by chance just like a big bang happened by chance "and there was LIFE" out of rocks.

Haiti is a crime ridden society that is now in even more shambles.

So if you didn't understand it doesn't have a thing to do with your farfetched concept of the Greek underworld, that salon put in your head or their news feed, but simply a sacrifice of a pig to their voodoo god.

Don't you see, it is just as nonsense to sacrifice a pig to their voodoo god to win a battle verses Robertson's claim. The only thing that is clear, Haiti has always been a mess and the Dominican Republic has not. Earthquake is just ANOTHER "thing" and not something Robertson target as the pinnacle of selling their soul to Bondye. Not just ONE but many things that has happened since they sacrificed the pig.

IOW, quit listening to Salon's "straw man" argument... it is for the least sophisticated of our society to buy a straw man. Same as Palin saying she could see Russia from her home, which she didn't. If all of that is over your head, you might get a clue looking here:

You will never find more people following straw man arguments and voting on them. Not much different than worshiping Voodoo thinking it will protect you in war. Just as illiterate and backwards.

收錄日期: 2021-04-21 17:59:24
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