How to talk to a girl when her friends are around in the lecture?

2010-01-15 2:26 am
there is a girl i really like in my lecture,
i was staring at her all the time,
i am pretty sure she knows that because she stares back to me as well
(its quite obvious because sometimes when i was sitting behind her she actually looks back to me when i was writing notes or looking at something else ),
but everytime she looks at me and i just turn around because i m far too shy and try not to be creepy
i really want to get to know her but her friend is around her all the time.
what can i do to know her?
and does she interested in me too?

回答 (6)

2010-01-15 2:34 am
✔ 最佳答案
maybe, 1st u got to talk to her n b confident. then you can try asking her out. I find the more i talk to girls the more comfortable i am talkin to them. n if i'm actually interested and i see signs they like me 2 then that's when i ask 'em out. good luck!

can you answer mine?;_ylt=AsZy87ZuQHlS_HFdXABZnhfsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20100114180325AAPni9b
2010-01-15 10:36 am
if she looks back at you then add up all of your courage and look at her back...give her a flirty/sexy look.. just because she has friends with her all the time doesnt mean that you cant talk to her. if you really like her then just cut in front of all of her friends but dont try to cut her friends out of her life! she will pick her friends instead of you any time if you do that. just go and try to make a converstation with her..ask her anything that comes to your mind.
it sounds like shes interested in you so go for it! life is worth the risk you gotta take a chance in life or it will be dull and boring!
hope that helped!!! good luck!!! (:
2010-01-15 10:32 am
txt/call her..find her in facebook. Invite her for a date (so hopefully her friend will not tag along) im not sure if she likes you but if she agreed to all of these then she is interested.
2010-01-15 10:31 am
Ok well first of all its far more creepy to quickly look away when they catch you then to keep eye contact. Quickly looking away means you dont want them to know you were looking at them and its more secretive then keeping the eye contact. I have no clue if she likes you or not because you didnt say anything that would indicate it. You could try talking to her (crazy, i know) to get to know her. Just talk to her about something in class.
2010-01-15 10:30 am
look her in the eyes and "Be thou not afraid to talk to the girl"
2010-01-15 10:30 am
You should find out where she lives and sit outside of her house.

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