When it comes to可以代替Regarding嗎

2010-01-15 7:18 am
When it comes to可唔可以代替Regarding, With regard to, In regard to, As regards, etc.?

回答 (2)

2010-01-15 9:46 am
✔ 最佳答案
In regard to, with regard to, regarding 和 as regards 都是同義的介詞片語,意為「至於、關於」:
例1. He knew nothing regarding(關於) [as regards, in regard to, with regard to] the case.
例2. As regards(至於) his performance, I am not in a position to make any comment.

"When it comes to",最貼切的中文翻譯是”一講到”
例: When it comes to parenting(一講到教子女), I don't think you are an expert.


2010-01-15 19:43:48 補充:
如果是例2. As regards(至於) his performance, I am not in a position to make any comment.

改成When it comes to his performance, I am not in a position to make any comment.


但例一則不可以用When it comes to

2010-01-15 7:40 am
not applicable to all of them. they all have slighly different usage:
regarding ~ in relation to
with regard to, in regard to ~ concerning

the usage really depends on your sentence, hope this helps

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