English 高手 好易就可有15點

2010-01-14 12:03 pm
translation of that

Preheat oven to 200°C. In medium skillet, cook the bacon, onion and rosemary until bacon is crisp (5-7 minutes). Remove with slotted spoon to drain on paper towel.

In large bowl sift together flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Cut in the butter with fork or pastry cutter. Add in cheeses and pepper. Work until lumps start to come together.

Add the bacon, onion, rosemary mixture. Add the 1 cup plus 2 Tbs double cream. Work together to form sticky dough.

Turn out onto floured surface, knead and pat until it comes together. Divide in half and form into 2 large circles, about 18cm in diameter and 2cm thick. Cut each into 8 wedges.

Transfer to large baking sheet lined with baking paper. Make sure there is a little space between scones. Brush tops of scones lightly with cream or milk. Bake 20-25 minutes.

Serve warm.

回答 (5)

2010-01-14 5:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1.Preheat oven to 200°C. In medium skillet, cook the bacon, onion and rosemaryuntil bacon is crisp (5-7 minutes). Remove with slotted spoon to drain on paper towel.
預熱烤爐200 ° C。於普通的煎鍋中,烹調培根、 洋蔥、 迷迭香 直到培根脆 (5-7 分鐘)。倒置於有孔的勺子中,放在紙巾上排去剩餘的油。

2010-01-14 09:54:29 補充:
In large bowl sift together flour, baking powder, sugar and salt. Cut in the butter with fork or pastry cutter. Add in cheeses and pepper. Work until lumps start to come together.

於大碗中, 把麵粉、發酵粉、 糖和鹽篩 一起。加插,用叉或麵包刀切入黃油。添加乳酪和胡椒。使混和結成一團。

2010-01-14 09:59:57 補充:
Add the bacon, onion, rosemary mixture. Add the 1 cup plus 2 Tbs double cream. Work together to form sticky dough.

添加混合物: 培根、 洋蔥、 迷迭香。添加 1 杯 加2 湯匙 高脂奶油。使混和結成一團麵團。

2010-01-14 10:09:51 補充:
Turn out onto floured surface, knead and pat until it comes together. Divide in half and form into 2 large circles, about 18cm in diameter and 2cm thick. Cut each into 8 wedges.

置於篩有麵粉的工作台上面、 揉和拍拍直到一起談。分成一半,拍成 2塊 直徑約 18 釐米,2 釐米厚的大圓塊。切成 8尖塊。

2010-01-14 10:15:05 補充:
Transfer to large baking sheet lined with baking paper. Make sure there is a little space between scones. Brush tops of scones lightly with cream or milk. Bake 20-25 minutes.

將尖塊轉移到置有烤紙的烤板內。請確保烤餅之間有小空間。輕輕地刷忌廉或牛奶於烤餅頂。烤 20-25 分鐘。

2010-01-14 10:22:07 補充:
Serve warm.


2010-01-14 10:22:23 補充:
:) :)

2010-01-28 11:47:30 補充:
I think 004 is the best answer
2010-01-19 8:13 am
2010-01-14 9:09 pm
1. 將烤爐預先加熱至攝氏200度。另以煎鍋烹調煙肉、洋蔥及迷迭香,直到煙肉變得脆身(5-7分鐘)。用隔油匙羹舀出,並以抺手紙吸乾。
(remark:slotted spoon = 有孔的、隔汁或隔油專用匙羹)

2. 將麵粉、發粉、糖和鹽一併篩進大碗中。用叉或糕餅刀加入適量牛油。並添加乳酪及胡椒。攪勻直至結成一團。

3. 放進早前預備的煙肉、洋蔥及迷迭香。倒入1杯又2湯匙份量的濃稠忌廉。攪拌直至麵團具黏性。

4. 將麵團取出,置於灑有麵粉的工作台面之上。搓揉及拍打麵團直至勻和融合。將麵團分成兩半,做出兩個直徑約18厘米、厚2厘米的大圓餅。沿圓餅直徑切開,均分成8片。

5. 切開後將之放進舖有鋁紙的烤盤上。確保烤餅之間有適當距離。烤餅面掃一層薄薄的忌廉或牛奶。烤焗20至25分鐘。

6. 取出,待暖後即可食用。

參考: hkslot
2010-01-14 7:13 pm
預熱爐 200 ° c 的作業。 在中等不粘鍋,煮熟,熏肉、 洋蔥和 迷迭香 直到培根脆 (5-7 分鐘)。刪除用紙巾上排開槽把勺子。

中大碗篩 一起 麵粉、 粗粉、 糖和鹽。剪叉式或法式麵包刀與黃油。添加在乳酪和胡椒。前塊開始走在一起工作。

添加培根、 洋蔥、 迷迭香混合物。添加 1 杯 加 2 Tbs 雙霜。向表單粘麵團協同工作。

floured 表面上變成、 揉和拍拍直到一起談。分兩半,成 2 大圓直徑約 18 釐米,2 釐米厚。切每 8 楔入。

將轉移到大烘乾板烘乾紙內襯。請確保烤餅之間有一點空間。刷輕輕地與忌廉或牛奶烤餅頂。烤 20-25 分鐘。

2010-01-14 5:09 pm



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