How can you prove George W. Bush is a modern Tragic Hero?

2010-01-13 10:00 pm
How can you prove George W. Bush is a modern Tragic Hero?
I think everyone supported him at the very beginning,and then he made the decision on Iraq war,
then he admitted that he has no reason to do it? Am I right if I use these to prove he is a Tragic hero? If not, please change it for me, if it is fine, please add more information and write a paragraph to prove it. Thank you. :]

回答 (1)

2010-01-13 10:05 pm
✔ 最佳答案
W breaks ranks with Stone’s previous political biographies in its relative absence of subjectivity. Missing are JFK’s frantic, interrogatory mode of representation; Nixon’s schizophrenic simultaneous portrayals of its lead as tragic hero and troll; or even Alexander’s revisionist framing device. The script often sounds like a pastiche of infamous soundbites and published accounts delivered verbatim; enthusiasts of Stone’s early-'90s heyday may mourn the replacement of his hyperbolically expressive camerawork with a more conventional shot/reverse-shot approach. But when Bush discovers that Saddam has no WMDs, Stone's unfettered dramatization leaves both Bush and the viewer to contemplate how this disastrous self-deception could happen in the mundane light of day. Instead of tearing into the historical record, Stone lets W.'s perforated grasp of reality speak in its own words.

收錄日期: 2021-04-15 16:54:44
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