English meaning

2010-01-14 6:37 am
What's the meaning for this sentence:
Nurse patient on her sides.

There's two differente meaning for the comprehension:
1. carring patient on her bed, turning the position to left or right side;
2. standing on the patient's situation and thinking about her feeling and doing more.

which one is the right meaning?? Thanks a million for all attentions!!

回答 (3)

2010-01-14 7:07 pm
✔ 最佳答案
坦白講 1和2都是中式英文,外國人一定看不明,可能只有香港人會明,中國人都未必明。


1. To care for a patient in bed, turn to his/her side.這句應該有前或後一句講care甚麼(例如你問的nurse他們或clean/wash身體或幫助呼吸等)。
2. To put yourself in the patient's position and think about his/her feeling and take one more step.


Nurse a patient while on his/her side.
2010-01-14 5:07 pm

2010-01-14 7:04 am
[Nurse patient on her sides.]

It sounds like an instruction. Put the patient on her side (laying down) and nurse the patient (give milk or food).

It doesnt make much sense to me.
參考: 美國人

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