How is it structure ??

2010-01-13 9:55 pm
The woman they were meeting has telephoned to say she can not come.
先解解中文: 1. 這個女人和他們電話會議後,就說她不能來了, 2. 這個女人打電話來說不能來他們的會議.

除非 ( The woman they were meeting 是 subject. ) ( has telephoned 是 verb ) ..這樣我就明白了...但這個 subject 真難明,...又The woman, ,又 they, 又沒有 and 和 with...

上面這句我只是學 Count noun. 要用 has 或 have,..這裏炒回來,答案是 has, 不過我更想明白整句的結講,..這個發問我前後打了兩次,但因誤按了 Esc 這制,以上文字消失得無影無踪,又要重打..

回答 (7)

2010-01-14 1:08 am
✔ 最佳答案
換句話說, The woman they were meeting 的確是 subject


打錯woman這裡一定一定要加that,跟上面不同They were meeting 錯,應改成the meeting。改了以後的句子反而複雜了一點,因為它有另外一各意思:

After a teleconference, the woman said that she could not come.

2010-01-19 8:04 am
2010-01-14 12:44 am
The woman they were meeting當中the woman係個subject,不過當中有一段subordinate clause "they were meeting"來表達(解釋)在全世界的女人中我在說那一個女人 - 那個他們假設要會見的女人(詳解用were meeting的意思),當中冇寫一個whom(舊式英文)或who(一般)。

The woman, who they were meeting, has telephoned....

they were meeting應該並不是過去進行式,而應該係假設或懷疑句,所以用了were,詳(長)句可能是they were supposed to be meeting。中間的很多「意會」的字都省卻了,英語人真是這樣講的。假如解作『「之前他們正在會見的那個女人」打電話來說她現在(present tense "cannot")不來見他們了。』是解不通的。

你觀察這句的結構很複雜是正確的,因此以後問問題請不要斬件"they were meeting點解"所給你的回應是幫助不了你的。坦白講用這句學subject-verb的example真係死得人多。
2010-01-14 12:43 am
The woman whom they were meeting, has telephoned to say that she cannot come.
2010-01-13 11:37 pm

The woman that/who they were meeting has telephoned to say that she can not come.

the sentence structure is the same as follows

The girl that/who I like thinks that she doesnt like me.

that/who 用來補充更多的資料而己,而後面的係常見的THAT CLAUSE.

省略 補充資料,句子可以寫成

The girl thinks that she doesnt like me.

2010-01-13 10:09 pm
its not make sence
you should write like that
1.before the meeting Miss XXX ring up she can't come.
because woman is who not one know. therefore you have to show the name.
and you was too mass for logical thought.
or you can said Miss XXX had ring you won't attent for this meeting.

2010-01-13 14:12:59 補充:
telephoneed- in the real world we will say call, ring up or phone to. there are no such speak say telephone. and telephone is object not verb
參考: haha myself haha hope it helps you
2010-01-13 9:57 pm

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