
2010-01-13 10:53 am
全球每年約有 1,700多萬人死於心血管疾病,當中近半數屬具生產能力的打工仔,香港心臟專科學院院長蔣忠想指,工作約佔打工仔三分一時間,很多是因工時太長,易令打 工仔缺乏運動,加上飲食營養失衡,經常多肉少菜,甚至吸煙飲酒,增加患上心血管疾病的風險

上班族經常坐辦公室,令活動量降至最低點容易中風。德國中風研究基金估計一半的中風個案與缺乏運動及飲食不健康有關,當中剛退休的人更是中風高危族;柏林 一份上班族的調查更發現,近 25%的受訪打工仔午膳時間多不會外出,只在自己的辦公桌解決午餐,部份人更連休息時間也忙於工作,顯示都市人的日常生活過於靜態,呼籲每日最少做 30分鐘運動,並以日誌記錄運動量。

唔該晒!!!!!!!! 急丫 please thx!

回答 (3)

2010-01-13 12:45 pm
✔ 最佳答案
There are 1.7 millions of the population are died of cardiovascular disease throughout the world every year. More than half of the patients are the working class who possess productivity. Chiang, Chung who is the cardiovascular disease specialist of Hong Kong pointed out that the workload of the patients possess over one third of their time. Many of them are because of long working hours in which they are lack of exercise, complicated with the diet imbalance factor or even drink/smoke, all these contribute to the risk of suffering from cardiovascular disease.

The working class always sits in the office, their activity level lowers to a minimum which will be easy to cause a stroke. The German stroke research fund estimates that over half of the patients are caused by lack of exercise and an imbalanced diet. Within this group, the high risk group is those who just retired. A Berlin survey further discovered that 25% of the interviewee will not go out during lunch time. They just finish their lunch inside the office, some people even have to work during their office hours. All of the above reflects that the city people’s lives are under a quiet mode. Thus they advocated that people should do exercises for half an hour daily, and make a journal of their exercise frequencies.
2010-01-13 5:50 pm
The world each year about 1,700 million people died of cardiovascular disease, nearly half of them belong to a production capacity of wage earners, the Hong Kong College of Cardiology President JIANG Zhong intended to refer to the working time of about one-third of wage earners, many because of long working hours and easy to make wage earners lack of exercise, coupled with nutrition imbalance, often little more than meat, vegetables, and even smoking, drinking, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease risk

White-collar workers often take office, easy to bottom out to make a stroke volume of activities. German Stroke Research Fund estimated that half of all stroke cases and lack of exercise and unhealthy diet related, which has just retired person is at high risk of stroke family; Berlin, a survey of office workers have also found that nearly 25% of the respondents more time to spend lunch workers do not go out, only to resolve lunch at their desks, some of whom even the rest time is also busy at work, showing the daily lives of city people are too static, called on to do at least 30 minutes of exercise a day, and to log physical activity
2010-01-13 3:35 pm



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