To live longer than a man ??

2010-01-12 9:49 pm
He was eating another apple. 簡單來看這句,夠竟他之前有沒有吃過 ( apple )? 他吃了另一個 ( apple ),還是他 ( 再 ) 吃另一個 ( apple )?
A woman tends to live longer than a man. ( 我不知怎樣形容個 ( tend ), 女人常常長命過男人,還是女人懂得照料自己所以長命過男人. 如果我 would like to write : A woman usually lives longer than a man. 這句在文法上有沒錯.
The woman they were meeting has telephoned to say she can not come. 我想說 ( they were meeting has telephoned ) present perfect tense, 他們同過女人講過電話,經討論後,就話過女人不會來了. ( Has telephoned ) 這個動詞是否代表 a woman, If I write : She has telephoned to them. 但又沒有 meeting, 唉,真不知怎改,...

Could anybody solve all the above sentences problem for me? thank you so much.

回答 (4)

2010-01-12 11:43 pm
✔ 最佳答案
簡單來看,這句不足以說明他之前有沒有吃過蘋果。因為有這樣的可能性:He ate one apple. He was eating another apple, too.(他已吃了一個,然後吃多一個)或 There was an apple right in front of him. But he was eating another apple.(有一個蘋果在他面前。不過他選吃另一個。)就如中文「他在吃另一個蘋果」,你也不能由此句知道他有沒有吃了一個在先吧?所以要明白He was eating another apple,需要知道前文後理。

A woman tends to live longer than a man. 的理解是:「趨勢顯示,一個女人比一個男人更長命。」你寫A woman usually lives longer than a man在文法上沒有錯,意思是:「一般來說一個女人比一個男人長命。」因涉及一項事實,描述一件事的一般性,我會建議這樣改寫:
Women tend to live longer than men. 或 Women usually live longer than men.

如果你想說的意思是「那個將要會面的女人打了電話來,說她不會來了。」我會建議:The woman they are going to meet has telephoned (or called) to say that she are not coming. 或 The woman has telephoned (or called) to say that she cannot attend the meeting.
參考: hkslot
2010-01-19 7:59 am
2010-01-13 3:49 pm

2010-01-12 10:47 pm
Is it an exercise? What is the question?

1. Both assumptions are correct for this fragment.
a. There were two or more apples. Someone ate one, then he ate another.
b. He had eaten one apple. Then he ate the second one.

2. "tend to" means "lean to". The probablity is lesser than " usually". Your rewrote sentence A woman usually lives longer than a man is okay but not equivalent to the sentence of A woman tends to live longer than a man.

3. A woman has telephoned...... is the main expression. They were meeting is only the clause describing the woman. I wonder it uses past continuous tense while other parts of the sentence apply present tense. Is it written by yourself? I could only further comment after your clarification.

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