He was eating another apple. 簡單來看這句,夠竟他之前有沒有吃過 ( apple )? 他吃了另一個 ( apple ),還是他 ( 再 ) 吃另一個 ( apple )?
A woman tends to live longer than a man. ( 我不知怎樣形容個 ( tend ), 女人常常長命過男人,還是女人懂得照料自己所以長命過男人. 如果我 would like to write : A woman usually lives longer than a man. 這句在文法上有沒錯.
The woman they were meeting has telephoned to say she can not come. 我想說 ( they were meeting has telephoned ) present perfect tense, 他們同過女人講過電話,經討論後,就話過女人不會來了. ( Has telephoned ) 這個動詞是否代表 a woman, If I write : She has telephoned to them. 但又沒有 meeting, 唉,真不知怎改,...
Could anybody solve all the above sentences problem for me? thank you so much.