本人現是IVE的大專生,會考只有LEVEL 1,雖然經過一年的閱讀英語NOTES後,英語程式尚有些少進步,但尚覺得還未到以英語能順暢交談的程度,尤其是讀音方面,更是難以容忍.聆聽方面也不懂分辦別人讀的生字是哪個及聽不上別人會話英文的速度.
所以在這懇請有心人能提供意見,有哪的補習老師或班可以提供練習,從而改善本人的英語程度,同時希望那位教師能容忍本人的惡劣的英語=.=.最重要是能保證本人能在這大約一年內,英語程度達到至少LEVEL 3.當然本人也會努力, 因為本人打算明年報考IELTS.不想因英文差,而影響後年報讀大學的機會.
回答 (4)
well you don't have to look for someone to help you!!
well you can buy some English or USA movie. it can help your listen. remenber listen the English but don't submit for the chinese. after year your listen will improve. secondly, read some of the stroy or English newspaper. it helps you read.
after you done this two. try to speak as like the way at the movie. and write like the news paper. this will be the most save your money.
teacher at tutor also teach you in those area.
收錄日期: 2021-04-13 17:03:05
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