
2010-01-12 7:40 am
3oh 3 starstruck中
set them up 點解
Meet Me HalfwaY 中
I'll be lookin out, night n'day
I can't go any further then this
I want you so badly, it's my biggest wish
呢兩又點解? 譯下呀吾該!

仲有勁多歌成日都 what's up what's up
what's up又點解?

最後,好多外國歌都成日將ing 個g音剷除
變成eg. missing----missin'

回答 (3)

2010-01-13 1:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
3oh 3 starstruck: 3oh!3 是樂隊名。starstruck = 迷戀名星

set them up = 設陷阱計算他

Meet Me HalfwaY = 一人退(讓)一步

boarderline = 勉強達標

I'll be lookin out, night n' day 我將會日夜留意

I can';t go any further than this 我不能繼續下去

I want you so badly, it's my biggest wish 我非常想要你,這是我最大的願望

What's up = 有何新消息 / 玩意

參考: myself
2010-01-12 10:43 am


2010-01-12 7:57 am
set them up = to put them in a specified position, 佢地係一個好特別既位置, 咁我估應該係話佢地係我心目中有一個好特別既位置, 同其他人係唔同既

Meet Me HalfwaY = 半路遇見我, 要搵我

冇boarderline呢個字, 如果係borderline呢, 就解分開d, 有d界線

i'll be lookin out, night and day
i can't go any further then this
i want you so badly, it's my biggest wish

我會日同夜都出去搵你, 但係已經係我既極限, 唔會再走多一步, 做多d野
我好想同你一齊, 好想要你, 呢個係我最大既願望

what sup what sup, 即係話咩事咩事.. 英文, 外國人好多人都係咁講,, 成日都係咁講,, 冇乜特別意思

一樣讀音, 冇分別, 睇落型d姐= =
參考: me

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