English Writing from f.1

2010-01-12 5:42 am
f.1 English Writing

係要f.1English Writing

回答 (1)

2010-01-13 1:47 am
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Any topic???

What kinds of things do you do during summer holidays? Do you enjoy these activities? How do you feel when it’s time to go back to school?

I like to go shopping in the summer holiday with some of my best friends.Also,I have a new friend who live in USA. He will come to Hong Kong every summer holiday.I enjoy playing with him.His name is Mr.Jordan.He love playing with me.I also enjoy playing with him! In September, I need to go to school. I feel happy because I can have time with my classmates.
But I am still want my relax holiday.Really!!!

Have you ever had an argument with some? Who did you argue with? What did you argue about?

The worst argument is with my friend whose called Kelvin. This happened in last year summer holiday.In 4th of July,it is Kelvin birthday, I agreed to go ice skating with him. We like ice skating very much. At that morning, when I began to leave, my father stopped me and said "Are you leaving now? Today is my holiday.Can I go bicycling with you?" I knew that it is a very good chance because father usually busy. So, I call and tell Kelvin. Kelvin seems not understand me and stop communication with me. I want to tell him that I am sorry but he just don't listen.He still don't play with me until now.

Have you ever acted in a school play? If yes, what was your role? If not, do you enjoy watching plays? Why/why not?
Yes, I have act in a school play before.I was the narrator for that play which called "Giant Thunder". Being a narrator is not very difficult but it needs many preparation before the play. I needed to remember all the sentence which is over 20 long sentences.My brain is going to break! Although it takes a hard work and long time prepare. I still enjoy the play especially when I knew I was the best narrator.

These are all my writing in F.1

I hope these can help you
參考: Me

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