window 7 language problem

2010-01-11 8:09 am
I am suprised that my window 7 home premium is chinese version but somehow the window language was changed to portugual after a shutdown. I don't want to re-install the window 7 OS and I cannot recover to the previous state since no backup is created.

please anyone can help?

回答 (1)

2010-01-11 6:38 pm
✔ 最佳答案
guess you don't have portugual language interface ... how come the interface changed to portugual?
you don't have to reinstall the OS.
go to Control Panel --> check out Regional Settings --> change the interface back to Chinese (internal).
if you can't get it done, use Vistalizator to perform the job.
via Vistalizator you can see all language interfaces already installed on your machine and which is internal/built-in.
Visalizator home page:

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