Cesarean Section procedure?

2010-01-10 6:50 am
I'm a new graduated nursing student working in operative theatre, I'd like to ask about the detail of C/S procedure as I encounter a lot but have no idea of what I should do.


回答 (4)

2010-01-10 7:17 am
✔ 最佳答案
Best advice? Ask one of the docs performing the procedure, or one who has. I know many moms may think that it's just an epidural and then a baby comes; may be a good answer, just depends on the angle.(No offense to other posters, just don't know if she is asking as a student or a mother) When you are watching one and are confused by what is going on, or are faced with having the procedure, ask someone who has firsthand experience performing the event and they can give you accurate accounts of both sides. Hope this helps :)
2016-11-04 4:54 pm
there's no such factor as postpartum abortion. Uh, your sentence asserting that Cesarian toddlers are born, yet implying that they are no longer born is self-contradtictory. Your have faith in magic is stupid. as quickly as a toddler is born, it truly isn't any longer interior the mummy's physique; subsequently, it truly isn't any longer a controversy of the lady having the magnificent to return to a selection concerns touching directly to her very own physique. I collect you do no longer think of that girls folk have the magnificent to return to a selection what happens to their very own bodies. Do you think of fellows have this precise?
2010-01-10 8:42 am
2010-01-10 7:03 am
well i have had three of them there is really nothing to it.. They give the woman an epidural or spinal they get her in the O.R lay here on the table put that sheet up so she can not see and start cutting.. all you would do would be assets the doc in whatever he might ask you to do like hand him the tools nothing really not to hard

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