
2010-01-10 7:45 am
12/26 m第6日,無帶套搞....到今日1/9搞既時,,bf'手查'個胸既時候,,發現有好似奶既物體溜出黎.....隔左2個鐘左右再手查都仲有....係咪中左招????????如果依家用驗棒,會吾會吾準,,,因為吾係遲左m

ps. 應該1/21 m到.........

回答 (2)

2010-01-10 8:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
you should go to see doctor, as your breast will not have any奶既物體溜出黎, if you have not given birth.

2010-01-10 00:56:31 補充:
Nipple discharge is the third most common breast complaint for which women seek medical attention, after lumps and breast pain. A woman's breasts secret some fluid throughout most of the adult life.

2010-01-10 00:56:53 補充:
The difference between lactating (milk producing) and non-lactating breasts is mainly in the degree or amount of secretion and to a smaller degree the chemical composition of the fluid.

2010-01-10 00:57:00 補充:
In non-lactating women, small plugs of tissue block the nipple ducts and keep the nipple from discharging fluid. Nipple discharge are often yellow, green, brown, bloody, or milky in appearance.
2010-01-10 1:54 pm
that time on DEC, you should be fine, it was in safe period lar...

but your G G had liquid come out is unusual, is a lots? or just couple drops??
if a lots, you should go see doctor.
do you taking birth control pill?? if so, that is one of side effect.

2010-01-10 05:57:27 補充:
one of my friend she taking birth control medicine, she always has little milk like liquid from her G G, and some times little blood from the bottom too. but the doctor say it is normal reaction.

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